Example sentences of "bring [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Subject to that undertaking , I am pleased to announce today that I have increased the funding planned by the corporation by £22 million , bringing provision for the next three years to £130 million .
2 ‘ We are bringing Danu into the twentieth century . ’
3 ‘ We should be all right here , ’ he said , bringing Seawitch into the shelter of a small , high-sided cove .
4 This practice has robbed your rivers of much of its spawning stock to the great detriment of the whole Scottish economy , for wild salmon bring money into the country in many ways and provide direct and indirect employment for many through anglers who fish for them in your rivers .
5 The conference centre is receiving its finishing touches and will be bringing income to the college in 1991 , and the adjoining area has been planted and landscaped with the help of the Superintendent of the Botanic Garden .
6 Caught unprepared by East Germany 's explosion of discontent , West Germans fear that the regime 's stubbornness could provoke a revolt and bring chaos to the country , threatening the stability of Europe and pose immense problems — including the question of German reunification — which they and their neighbours are not ready to face .
7 But all that was only bring kind after the event .
8 Sun said it was bringing action over the alleged theft to keep the playing field level , claiming Axil 's illegal head start cut potential investment in the Sparc architecture .
9 Sun said it was bringing action over the alleged theft to keep the playing field level , claiming Axil 's illegal headstart decreased potential investment in the Sparc architecture .
10 The interesting question , in the present context , is how far these can be coordinated with familiar pedagogic techniques , thereby bringing research within the compass of normal teaching ; or , in more general terms , what implications does work on classroom observation have for developments in teacher education ( see Allwright 1988 ) .
11 Thus , a Keeper of Italian Painting would have responsibility for the Italian drawings , thereby not only linking their administration and scholarly maintenance but also bringing drawing into the direct relationship with painting which Clifford says he has been advocating for many years .
12 A hollow hooray for Hollywood Joan McAlpine detects a cynical streak among the film-makers who make fortunes from bringing violence to the screen
13 Furthermore , MailSort , the Post Office 's new bulk mailing rebate scheme which will come into full use in the Summer of '89 , is bringing computerisation to the direct marketing industry because it just is n't practical to sort mail by hand into thousands of individual postcodes .
14 Their policies culminated in attempts to turn the young towns into vast cooperative centres , by bringing industry to the settlements .
15 The greatest authority in electrical science was A. M. Ampère , who had devised equations to account for the discoveries of Oersted and others , and was thus bringing electromagnetism within the realm of applied mathematics .
16 Mendel argues that the government 's policy of a high rate of indirect taxation and the high price of imported goods meant that industry , far from bringing benefit to the masses , actually contributed to their impoverishment .
17 I will spring a tear , come to attention and salute that old Scottish soldier who took an alien handed to feed his family and still bring honour to the 91st of Foot .
18 She was therefore dedicated to bringing authenticity to the nostalgia for which ‘ Laura Ashley ’ was renowned .
19 Meetings between the two monarchs were arranged , but rather than bringing peace to the two countries , fresh hostilities broke out .
20 Bringing peace to the troubled city of Washington .
21 In Southampton in the 1450s , when there was considerable bitterness in civic politics over the attitude to be taken to aliens , whether they should be welcomed for bringing wealth to the town , or attacked as intruders , marriage could lead a man to switch his allegiance from one group to another .
22 The ITGWU and the Workers ' Party organized a march of trade union members to picket the County Offices and then crowd the public gallery to watch the meeting , while dockers supporting the protest struck for a day , bringing work in the port to a halt and tying up seven ships .
23 And I do hope that they will change their mind and bring work to the valleys .
24 In medieval times , bringing corn to the mill was the responsibility of the customer .
25 Perhaps we should even contemplate some naval action to alleviate the blockade and bring help to the 50,000 civilians still trapped there .
26 The official said that the cuts would " bring difficulty to the whole economy " and stated that the government was looking for private foreign companies to become involved in joint ventures in an attempt to reduce the country 's budget deficit .
27 Surely that 'll bring people back into the theatre it would obviously pay the artist it would also bring money into the theatre if the theatre could actually charged for them to do them .
28 Customary by the mid-thirteenth century , largely due to Innocent 's introduction of such a scheme , such taxes , however , did not bring money into the papal coffers but were granted to the leaders of the crusades , through there was a widespread belief that money collected for the Crusade by Philip the notary was doing exactly that , and in 1202 Innocent ordered an investigation .
29 Care is taken to teach the boy how to be a good observer and to reckon things by observation without counting them , as counting , especially of sheep , goats , cattle or people is considered as one of the gikuyu taboos , mogiro , and one which would bring ill-luck to the people or animals counted .
30 Ordyn-Nashchokin , one of the more forward-looking Russian statesmen of the seventeenth century , objected in the 1660s to any permanent foreign diplomatic representation in the country because it would " bring harm to the Muscovite state and embroil it with other nations " and because foreign diplomats would " find out everything that went on in Moscow and tell it abroad " .
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