Example sentences of "bring [pron] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A. McCormick summarizes the general opinion thus : ‘ probably the very crimes attributed to him were essential to terrorize his gang and bring them to subjection .
2 The bishops hired spies and informers to track down dissenting preachers and bring them to trial .
3 Calling for " truth and justice " in the 90,000 unresolved cases throughout Latin America , Fedefam alleged that the practice of disappearance continued in Colombia , El Salvador , Guatemala and Peru and that the experience could easily recur in countries which had failed to apprehend the culprits and bring them to trial .
4 The Rev. Owen could therefore use sign language , and together with another clergyman , encouraged the young man to seek out as many local deaf people as possible and bring them to church services .
5 In July Amnesty International called on the Uzbek authorities to ensure that the incidents were fully investigated and that every effort was made to identify the persons responsible and bring them to justice .
6 Er I 'm sure that er the Metropolitan Police will be doing everything possible to track down those who are responsible for this evil act and bring them to justice .
7 Prime Minister Mouloud Hamrouche on June 23 rejected FIS demands that the National Assembly be dissolved , saying that local elections could not " be translated politically on a national level " and that " the important thing is to deepen the reforms and bring them to fruition " .
8 And bring them to belief
9 So let's just er to put it in context again , we saw that on the day of the ascension Jesus instructed his friends to go on proclaiming the good news throughout the world to help others become disciples , and bring to them , and bring them to membership of the church through baptism .
10 Scientists are excited by this computer approach to archaeology and they 've plans to reconstruct other great buildings of the past bringing them to life once again .
11 They 're not actually that im they 're not important about bringing them to faith .
12 Even though most of these reforms benefited from widespread political and public support , de Gaulle had played a critical role in bringing them to fruition .
13 ‘ Which does rather bring me to flaw number two .
14 Whatever projects are currently on paper , Brohome can bring them to life .
15 And so to try and bring them to heel , er we referred the matter to the district .
16 And when he talks about a means of grace , he means something that happens to you that can bring you to faith .
17 Someone who can bring you to heel when you need it .
18 Dressed sombrely in a black suit splendidly contrasted with the Order of St George , he refused to plead , but persistently demanded to know by what authority a small minority of the House of Commons , without any participation of the House of Lords , could bring him to trial .
19 And if I could bring him to reconciliation with the king , without more bloodshed and without revenge , I would count it a good deed both for England and Wales .
20 A preacher can talk till he is blue in the face , but he can never bring anyone to faith in Christ .
21 Well I bring , I was gon na bring it to school , yeah
22 In Tchaikovsky 's Second Symphony , Svetlanov allowed some brash brass and unrefined woodwind , seemingly relying on a performance routine rather than applying to the score any insight into the instrumental detail , the folk intonations which can bring it to life in terms of rhythm and melodic inflection .
23 Sometimes they would accidentally bring it to crisis by letting a plate or cup smash on the floor .
24 When I was with him I was in a more or less permanent state of sexual excitement , and I could bring myself to orgasm just by looking at him , without the aid of hands .
25 Thought how wonderful t would be to have a man 's arms around you ; someone to hold you , touch you , bring you to life ?
26 His ideas of management ( which had involved business lunches , a Rolls with expensive chauffeur , and a succession of pretty secretaries ) , had nearly brought them to bankruptcy .
27 He had brought them to faith in Jesus Christ .
28 I pass by the ward where people are dying of AIDS ; these are the lucky ones — their families have brought them to hospital and they are being cared for .
29 And the missing army of workers who had brought him to life .
30 While Jacob was still shaking his head , Nahum said , ‘ I believe I owe you and your gang a debt of thanks for finding Anna and bringing her to safety .
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