Example sentences of "although [pron] [vb -s] some " in BNC.

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1 However , although one has some sympathy with Fleischmann 's point , and with hindsight might wish that more explicit details had been known , in reality this was not so clear cut .
2 That does n't necessarily mean biggest , although it requires some critical mass in each country , and only in selected industries in each country ’ Carroll said .
3 Although it retains some features in common with the ‘ orthodox account ’ it also departs from it significantly , especially in its emphasis on the importance of ‘ justice ’ within prisons .
4 In recent years , however , the canine colon has become a standard model for colonic motility studies and , although it displays some kinds of contractile activity not seen in man , it has been useful for investigating neuropharmacological interactions .
5 What is perhaps most remarkable about this grassland is that it is only maintained under active management even rabbits were introduced by the Normans and , although it resembles some periglacial assemblages of plants , it must have been reconstituted after the forest maximum unless there were extensive grazed glades in that period .
6 This is not the same as assessing its impact on the value of the company , although it makes some attempt to do this , as will be described shortly .
7 Although he sees some decline in the numbers of the petty bourgeoisie ( the small property owners ) due to competition from large companies , he argues that they enter white-collar or skilled manual trades rather than being depressed into the ranks of unskilled manual workers .
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