Example sentences of "example [prep] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Recognising that while there is a place for carefully programmed input , we endeavour to emphasise active independent learning through direct experience : for example through business enterprise , designing products for and in local companies , work experience , residential experience , community experience , family placements , recreational activities , which we hope will be recreative in the fullest sense .
2 From this group emerged a curriculum made up of various modules , for example about document preparation and text processing , database management and data modelling , and graphical and statistical analysis .
3 The amount of money received for a service rendered is not dependent upon who you are , but upon the abstract relations within which the service is performed , for example as wage labour .
4 The tutor is able to monitor each student 's progress by the termly receipt of a copy of the latter 's programme , and the tutor also receives copies of any letters sent to his/her students from the registry , for example after examinations committee meetings .
5 Neither case was an edifying example of law enforcement .
6 ‘ It was an example of gotong royong at its best , ’ says postal worker Kongsi Barus .
7 This was an example of Highland hospitality I was to find repeated often .
8 This can be seen in the example of river action : in climates with rain at all seasons erosion and deposition are almost continuous except in so far as they are varied by floods ; in areas marginal to ice sheets the short periods of summer thaw , which result in enormous increases in the discharge of meltwater streams issuing from the ice , are the significant ones ; in deserts it may well be that the isolated rainfall , occurring perhaps once every five or ten years , is of greater significance than anything else .
9 If a single advert produces 500 replies — the example of construction recruitment in The Sun , again — the recruitment team has to write 1500 letters .
10 Consider again the example of subject/verb agreement in Belfast ( cf.7.2 ) .
11 In the last section , we saw an example of turbulence suppression when stabilizing stratification was imposed .
12 The letter caused a furore in Britain for political reasons , being used by Conservatives opposed to further European integration as an example of EC interference in British affairs .
13 The classic example of AGR failure , the Dungeness B plant on the Kent coast , eventually took about twenty years to finish , cost £3.5 billion to build ( at 1988 prices ) — roughly five times its original estimate — and has never operated at even half its intended capacity .
14 Barnes and Seldon deploy it as a classic example of Macmillanesque subtlety in handling colleagues .
15 In fact , there is a real example of depreciation accounting being practised alongside payments in lieu of depreciation .
16 We have an example of selection bias as described in Section 15.2.7 .
17 A NEW example of industria cloning — taking a concept proven in one country and replicating it in another — is being demonstrated by Courtaulds Packaging .
19 Professor Stubbs provided a much lengthier example of class-room discussion to illustrate good practice in the teaching of linguistic terminology .
20 In view of this generous gesture it is hoped that both local and visiting climbers will treat this venue with the respect due to a Site of Special Scientific Interest and a first class example of sandstone rock .
21 The article below from The Daily Telegraph is just one example of press coverage received .
22 But furious Tory MPs demanded action last night over what they called another example of press intrusion into the affairs of the royals .
23 We noted above how advocates of the reliance theory , a leading example of interests theory , proclaim the conservative implications of their distributive scheme .
24 Perhaps the most common laboratory example of solvent extraction is ether extraction .
25 It 's hardly a good example of man management and motivation .
26 This early example of government help for education continued until 1858 , after which excise officers were trained by Phillips within the laboratory , and examined by outside assessors .
27 Take for instance the example of yew wood .
28 The NARAL advertisement is an example of nonsexist language being used apparently as the norm , but in reality to make a point , to make people think of women in a context where ordinarily they might not ( as the inheritors of constitutional rights ) .
29 Right , so that 's an example of branch chain isomers .
30 The first example of equipment redeployment came in 1982 when the then director ( Cyril Bleasdale ) , faced with a serious downturn on Great Western sub-sector services out of Paddington , decided to move ten HSTs to the Midland main line so that a badly needed improvement could be implemented on this potentially profitable and much neglected route .
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