Example sentences of "turn up a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Davide had turned up a coin , one afternoon , when he was mooning around ; it was a common enough type , the professor told him in the museum at Riba , where he took it for an opinion .
2 I had it turned up a bit too loud .
3 Dr Martin says that the team hoped the work would round off one of Mendel 's experiments but the results have turned up a surprise .
4 Any more than I give more than an irritated passing thought to turning up a heater when the temperature drops .
5 There is also the misconception that the speed with which a room is heated to a set temperature increases by turning up a room or radiator thermostat .
6 Ralph Meeker snapped an old man 's priceless Caruso record in half in Kiss Me Deadly , Richard Conte tortured Cornel Wilde by turning up a hearing aid and shouting into it in The Big Combo , Ingrid Bergman drank the poisoned Brazilian coffee in Notorious , Charles Laughton plunged down a lift shaft in The Big Clock , Orson Welles and Rita Hayworth shot it out in a hall of mirrors in Lady from Shanghai , Edmond O'Brien lurched into a police station to report his own murder in D.O.A. , Tony Curtis was brutally beaten by a corrupt cop in Sweet Smell of Success , Laurence Harvey jumped in the lake in The Manchurian Candidate .
7 They are not generally common fossils , but there is always a chance of turning up a skeleton from the coal deposits , or finding a fossil frog ( see Fig. 51 ) in the Mesozoic .
8 ‘ The lil ol boy turned up a bit quick : he come jus in time to hev a slice of his mother 's wedding cake . ’
9 and he got it turned up a bit and sounds bloody from the other room
10 I says how come you deputation , you gave us a time of which to be here , now we said , we turned up a quarter hour beforehand and I says we get a phone call er a an intermission from Councillor that you could n't make it because that your car broke down .
11 It turned up a year later , all rewritten but basically identical , as a PhD at San Diego .
12 I turned up a couple of minutes early , found the door into the suite ajar and the sitting-room in darkness .
13 I found nothing else of interest but Bernice turned up a couple of old school exercise books of Billy 's and decided to keep them in remembrance .
14 Tom , 27 , turned up a week EARLY for an appointment at Granada TV to show his skills .
15 And in the end it was he who turned up a bullet case ( 7.62 mm x 51 and therefore probably FAKINTIL ) .
16 Eventually Cinzia turned up a set of steps rising steeply from the street and unlocked a door at the top .
17 Second , a careful search ( 10 Turns ) of the history section turns up a note stuffed into a tedious book on Parravon history if an I test is made to observe it ; if found , give the players Handout 4 .
18 They 're hoping to turn up a piece of bloodstained clothing or a weapon .
19 And inevitably when you turn up a diary page you have between say one and twelve things already entered into the to do list .
20 You can turn down a fire hose to water a garden , but you can not turn up a garden hose sufficiently to tackle a fire .
21 A trip to Brussels to meet the responsible officials can turn up a mine of information .
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