Example sentences of "turn to [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 On coming upstairs , he had turned to her for comfort , desperate to make love , needing to feel the growing swell of her body that was his own flesh and blood and , as always , he was moved to tears by it .
2 The organist and I finished more or less together and I turned to him for reassurance as I announced my next song : ‘ And now , ‘ ’ Summer Time' ’ . '
3 It is the fact that he has stolen hope from a number of incredibly vulnerable HIV-positive women who turned to him for help .
4 He resented the assertion of Aquitainian authority coming hard on the heels of the Grandmont meeting and when Count William turned to him for help he responded by raiding the Vexin to draw Henry back north .
5 She turned to him for comfort .
6 He was very upset ; and still , after five years , he turned to her for comfort and advice ; still like a child , her child .
7 The Inspector turned to her for the first time , but if he was cheered by her observation he gave no sign of his approval .
8 In the same way , therefore , as they had turned to primitives for finding the opposite of capitalist relations of production , they turned to them for a form of family which was the opposite of the capitalist family .
9 The banks ' role in the economy is thus crucial , and this was underlined when Chancellor Kohl turned to them for help in rebuilding East Germany .
10 At this point some other people arrived to catch the train and his attention turned to them for a split second and within that time the sound of the scrunching footsteps disappeared into the night .
11 I needed some comfort after the election result so I turned to it for some like-minded thought .
12 With the increase in population from the early nineteenth century , education in this illiberal form was unable to adapt itself " to the needs of the new body of persons who turned to it for help " .
13 If he treats her from the beginning like a woman , elderly perhaps , but still entitled to every courtesy and consideration and some of his undivided attention , and if she treats him with affection and interest , voicing her pride in his achievements , and turning to him for advice on various matters , their relationship is usually off to a good start .
14 I remember in my teens being determined to do something which was not very nice , turning to her for permission and her saying " Well , I would n't do that — but I think you are old enough to decide for yourself , " and suddenly all the joy in the plan faded away and I did n't do it .
15 Usually they are quite capable of doing this for themselves , but if your elderly parent turns to you for advice on financial matters your main aims should be : I. To make sure that she is receiving all the State benefits and pensions to which she may be entitled .
16 So it was natural for Sarah to turn to her for help in her troubles — and last year 's annual royal holiday pilgrimage to Balmoral seemed the perfect opportunity .
17 Instead , the teacher reinforces the responsibility which she wants the children to exercise over their own learning , and the support they can offer to one another without needing to turn to her for confirmation .
18 the Cubans were obliged to turn to us for help .
19 And it is ironic that just as we are beginning to turn to it for answers to environmental questions , it has begun aspiring to Western ways .
20 People turn to him for mature counsel .
21 Therefore we turn to you for help in ways to make lightweight canoes in a cheap but very safe manner .
22 Mr , I turn to you for guidance on that one .
23 But I thought you 'd turn to me for comfort — for reassurance .
24 But more significant in the present context is the fact that if an MP wins a reputation for trying to be helpful , more and more people will turn to him for help .
25 Only later had it occurred to him to wonder whether he should feel alarmed by Charlotte 's anxious tone or flattered that she felt she could turn to him for advice .
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