Example sentences of "turn out [adv] to have " in BNC.

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1 There was a full page article announcing Darwinism is dead , which turned out as a matter of fact to be a reprint of an article which had appeared some months earlier in the Sunday Times of this country , erm which in fact was based very largely on some work by a young man called Steele , which none of us , I think , believed at the time , and which was since turned out clearly to have been mistaken .
2 By the middle and later 1960s , however , this ‘ Cisalpine ’ theological agenda was being overtaken by a more evidently twentieth-century one : modern biblical scholarship turned out not to have stopped with Westcott and Lightfoot nor even with Dodd , but seemed much more a matter of swallowing Bultmann and Nineham ; ecumenical theology now led one less to Luther and Calvin or even Barth than to the vapid profundities of Tillich , Bishop Robinson 's Honest to God and beyond .
3 I bet he turns out not to have been quite the hero he makes out . ’
4 Yet the collapse of the Taurus settlements system project , at massive cost , turns out only to have been the latest in a line .
5 Some women patients who are plagued by thrush turn out not to have candidiasis , despite many likely symptoms .
6 And the fact that the height of the stars in medieval astronomy is very small compared with their distance in modern , will turn out not to have the kind of importance you anticipated …
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