Example sentences of "turn [prep] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 After the revolution , the town was shortly renamed Detskoye Selo ( 'Children 's Village' ) and many of the great houses were turned into sanatoria for children .
2 Moral condemnation could , however , be turned into action for moral improvement .
3 I got up and you know I swear I turned into Firmin for a moment and I said , ‘ Listen , Our Lady of Communications , I shall write and you will transmit as many fucking letters per day as I happen to feel like writing . ’
4 The Yen-Bay mutiny did not , as it was intended , form part of a co-ordinated attack on the French position in Vietnam and in the event it turned into disaster for the VNQDD .
5 Turning from aromatherapy for a moment , one good example of the natural clearly winning over the synthetic is to be found in the case of insulin .
6 The conclusion kept her tossing and turning in despair for hours , the sound of traffic in the High Street a poor substitute for the lulling boom of the sea round Gullholm .
7 MIDAS TOUCH Before the collapse of Canary Wharf ( right ) , everything turned to gold for Albert , left , and Paul Reichmann
8 He turned to Shamlou for sympathy .
9 Jinkwa turned to Fakrid for instructions .
10 It turned to federalism for the solution ; a solution in keeping with its history .
11 In her despair and grief Mrs McDermott also turned to alcohol for relief .
12 During that period she turned to alcohol for comfort .
13 GLUM despondency turned to jubilation for Instonians captain Johnny Black at Shane Park last night .
14 When it appeared enthusiasm for the fantasy turned to indifference for the real thing .
15 Today , with children turning to television for effortless , alternative entertainment , a distressing and accelerating trend in the teaching of reading is to sugar-coat the pill .
18 An Oxfordshire consultant has told how specialist hospitals have to turn to charity for funds because the government does n't provide enough money .
19 Once a worry-eater — usually a woman — learns to become more aware of herself and her emotions in the way shown in part II , she will be more able to control her reactions to stress and anxiety and less likely to turn to food for comfort .
20 A rising standard of living may have weakened the tendency to turn to religion for explanation or comfort .
21 Perhaps worst of all , there are those stressful situations where one is accustomed to turn to tobacco for support .
22 If we turn to literature for corroboration , the story is the same ; the great Victorian novelists , such as Charles Dickens and George Eliot , were middle-class authors , writing for middle-class readers .
23 It is this time-depth that will interest us in chapter 5 , in which we turn to evidence for vernacular variation in earlier English .
24 Now we are charging blindly down the same path , while families break up and children turn to hooliganism for want of a mother 's essentially female care .
25 Sun Microsystems Inc has sent its third-generation Viking plans out to bid with the various semiconductor houses : this thing is supposed to be a very high-end piece that wo n't turn into product for another three to five years .
26 Is it because one does not turn to art for comfort ?
27 It 's hardly surprising that you would turn to food for comfort under these circumstances .
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