Example sentences of "always some [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After they had left the tavern , there were always some globules of mercury on the floor which the charitable thought had spilt from their bottles , but the waiters knew had come from the men themselves .
2 Although general separation of points by environment was achieved there was always some overlap between adjacent fields .
3 There 's always some damage to the tissues , although the extent of the bruised area depends on the position of the assailant and victim , the way in which the neck is grasped as well as the degree of pressure .
4 In contrast , Cramlington is ‘ non-urban ’ and was intended to be a more or less ( there was always some equivocation about this and it grew over time ) free-standing new town , located on a ‘ green field ’ site quite separate from the Tyneside conurbation .
5 ( e.g. the polite formality between bank manager and client ) but there is always some scope for challenging and redefining these and hence helping to redefine rules of appropriate behaviour .
6 Their name derives from the most formal way of saying ‘ you ’ in Japanese , the implication being that there is always some kind of barrier between people .
7 I mean th there w there was always some kind of trigger that that that broke that initial feeling of isolation and and suspicion .
8 Take all the obscenity trials from Madame Bovary to Lady Chatterley 's Lover there 's always some element of games-playing , of compliance , in the defence .
9 In any real system there is always some lack of exactitude in one 's knowledge of initial conditions .
10 Economists sometimes liken the abstraction to the use of frictionless motion as an ideal model of a world where there is always some degree of friction .
11 However , in practice there is always some degree of error , which increases if the text is printed at an angle , or characters overlap , or an unknown font is used , and so on .
12 Needless to say there was always some measure of communication between monasteries , but it was only a modest intrusion into the life of most monks and even of many abbots .
13 It was also argued earlier in the book that there is always some point at which customers will turn from a differentiated product to yours because your price is so much lower .
14 There is always some value in looking back in history , and I offer a quotation that best seems to describe what we are about today .
15 ‘ There 's always some sort of medical conference going on in Vienna , ’ Aranyos had explained .
16 Solitude is always some sort of choice .
17 ‘ They have those dozens of cousins and aunts and there 's always some sort of crisis going on . ’
18 ‘ There 's always some police by the Circus , ’ I knew they were there because of the Jewish population around the area — and the frequent Mosley British Fascist parades .
19 Currie High has an early start to the day ( 8.35 ) and most children leave home in the dark on winter mornings ; but there is always some daylight by 8.15 .
20 Not surprisingly , therefore , they work in flocks so that there are always some individuals with their heads up , able to call an alarm the first moment their safety seems uncertain .
21 The nature of this problem is not to do with whether or not they are meaningful , for there is always some meaning in aesthetic intuition and metaphysical speculation .
22 An avowed enemy could of course be opposed with propriety , but if sufficient effort was not made to put victory beyond dispute , there was always some danger of humiliation , and , since there were inevitably many gentlemen who loved a winner , there would be some to see such a defeat as a sign to reconsider their political friendships .
23 But there 's always some manner in which we ca n't quite break free , and most of us will find ourselves one shocked moment holding a girlfriend or boyfriend in the way we 've seen our parents holding each other for years .
24 There is always some potential for opposition and change ; this comes to a climax in periods of revolutionary social transformation .
25 Many plants are left to self-sow and thinned with a hoe , while others are grown from saved seed , but there are always some varieties for which seed must be bought .
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