Example sentences of "always [verb] by [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , even when there is a practically continuous , minimal level of activity throughout a season or year , semi-skilled and unskilled positions are always filled by casuals .
2 Although scrupulously fair in his writings on deaf history , neither favouring use of sign language or oralism , constantly giving credit where this was due to either method , Abraham Farrar was always regarded by oralists as the greatest triumph for the oral method of teaching the deaf , though Francis Maginn once told a B.D.D.A Congress that ‘ Oral ’ pupils could not be kept from signing .
3 While agricultural production and expenditures are not always contained by regulations of this nature , attempts were made to stabilise agricultural expenditure by introducing automatic price cuts , once thresholds upon production were reached .
4 The tournament is always won by Americans or Germans in both men and women 's games .
5 Now he was saying that although we were too young to talk of real love he hoped we would see each other alone and not always surrounded by friends .
6 The Duke had a passion for practical jokes-wetting people with hoses and putting itching powder in their beds — and he was a devoted animal lover , always surrounded by dogs and preferring the ugliest because no-one else would be kind to it .
7 Her Frenchness , and whiteness , seem very much under threat as she is always surrounded by Africans , and Africa .
8 Cocaine production requires large amounts of water , hence factories are nearly always built by streams .
9 In such discussions Zuwaya generally assumed that they had given offence unwittingly , and that malign actions were always done by others , requiring Zuwaya to pursue justice .
10 The intervention of the unsavoury witchdoctor Zikali , who appears to be in mental communication with Ayesha as she rules in Kôr , in a way diminishes her immortal , all-powerful aspect , yet it is easy to believe that Allan , always tormented by memories of his two beloved wives , Mane and Stella , should be persuaded by Zikali to visit Ayesha and win through her power a glimpse of the lost ones .
11 No single attainment test is administered to all schools , and GCE and CSE examinations were always dogged by problems of comparability .
12 But jokes about women drivers ( always told by men ) are about hanging a handbag on the pulled-out choke or never being able to use the rear-view mirror because it 's always positioned for make-up repairs .
13 This ambiguity is not always recognised by critics , such as Christopher Norris ( 1988 : 83 ) , who cites quotation 1 as de Man 's own argument without heed to its context as part of a paraphrase of an argument by C.S. Peirce .
14 First , the same textbooks are used in single-sex schools and the contents are not always challenged by teachers .
15 Special police units have been set up in some areas , usually but not always staffed by women police officers .
16 The Court of Appeal itself is , subject to limited exceptions , bound by its own previous decisions and is always bound by decisions of the House of Lords .
17 Sometimes he would eye young women in the street , but they were always accompanied by maids or chaperones .
18 But his work is always marked by elements of his own life , culminating in his final film , JUKTKI TAKKO AR GAPPO , which is virtually a self-portrait , depicting his own problems with alcoholism .
19 The operation , although nearly always refused by vets in Britain , has become so common in certain countries that it even has an official name .
20 In general , responses to direct or indirect questioning about non-standard varieties are always conditioned by speakers ' awareness of their social significance and usually reflect knowledge of the standard rules .
21 ‘ All the good things he does are not always appreciated by outsiders and he 'll captain the team at Leeds .
22 but until it 's it 's the same with any subject you know until you know what you 're doing until you can tie it down to something physical and until you can understand I mean you always understand by similarities
23 These binges were always followed by feelings of guilt and depression .
24 For the second group , A was always followed by events having comparable strength ( X and Y were both reinforced on 50 per cent of occasions ) .
25 ( To be precise , there are four Humean conditions to satisfy , if we are to be sure that c caused e on some occasion , namely : c preceded e ; there was no intermediate event ; events like c are always followed by events like e in those conditions ; and we are in the habit of expecting the sequence . )
26 The Constitution of Cadiz was always represented by conservatives as the handwork of a radical minority , divorced from any representative opinion in Spain .
27 If a particular group item is always associated by users with a ration , it may be reasonable to specify a non-normalised relation .
28 Until that time the Royal Academy of Arts , which was founded in 1768 , was the only body in England with a substantial representation of architects among its membership , although they were always out-numbered by painters and sculptors .
29 In the post-war period , Hollywood began to atone for its blatantly racist depictions of blacks with sporadic anti-racist films , almost always directed by whites .
30 Personal injury cases are almost always tried by judges alone , and receive recompense on a scale which can be predicted with some accuracy by reference to recent cases .
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