Example sentences of "always [verb] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Benefits under a tax-approved company pension scheme are always limited by reference to earnings from the company .
2 Benefits under a tax-approved company pension scheme are always limited by reference to earnings from the company .
3 Wycliffe was always irritated by Franks , by his flamboyant and casual approach to death .
4 His researches go back to the 1950s : ‘ I was always fascinated by history — I spent five years as an architecture student and the reason why I did n't get through was that by the end I was much more interested in the history of architecture than other aspects of the subject , ’ he recalls .
5 Although arbitrary , this size limit can be related to the idea of morphological capacity since craters below this size are normally a constructional component of strato-volcanoes , whereas those above are nearly always formed by subsidence and collapse following catastrophic eruptions .
6 On the other hand , even when there is a practically continuous , minimal level of activity throughout a season or year , semi-skilled and unskilled positions are always filled by casuals .
7 In Northern Nigeria power did remain in the hands of the Residents , because they possessed historical claims to legitimacy as the standard-bearers of Indirect Rule — a point always emphasized by Palmer in his dealings with junior officers — and because they were linked with the top men in a congeries of feudal autocracies .
8 Although scrupulously fair in his writings on deaf history , neither favouring use of sign language or oralism , constantly giving credit where this was due to either method , Abraham Farrar was always regarded by oralists as the greatest triumph for the oral method of teaching the deaf , though Francis Maginn once told a B.D.D.A Congress that ‘ Oral ’ pupils could not be kept from signing .
9 While agricultural production and expenditures are not always contained by regulations of this nature , attempts were made to stabilise agricultural expenditure by introducing automatic price cuts , once thresholds upon production were reached .
10 But the body itself is always organised by fantasy .
11 The administration was always discomposed by evidence of Masai unfaithfulness , reacting to it with pained surprise if not outright disbelief .
12 The yonil always hunt by night .
13 Labour Governments are always constrained by cost considerations and by the financial disasters brought on by all the spending commitments that they claim are priorities and then have to jettison one by one .
14 Not to sleep but simply to think , freely and unobserved , without the burden of her mother 's solicitude , the obligation not only to look cheerful but to go on repeating how well she felt so that Amabel — always unnerved by silence — should not weary her further by growing alarmed .
15 The tournament is always won by Americans or Germans in both men and women 's games .
16 Their gatherings are always enlivened by Bob Bennett 's fine tenor , accompanied by the Revd Fraser ‘ Fingers ’ McLuskey on the piano .
17 Although the proceedings are always enlivened by Diana 's presence , no true Lorenzo-goer would ever be caught dead owning up to being in awe of her .
18 Now he was saying that although we were too young to talk of real love he hoped we would see each other alone and not always surrounded by friends .
19 The Duke had a passion for practical jokes-wetting people with hoses and putting itching powder in their beds — and he was a devoted animal lover , always surrounded by dogs and preferring the ugliest because no-one else would be kind to it .
20 Her Frenchness , and whiteness , seem very much under threat as she is always surrounded by Africans , and Africa .
21 He liked Mrs. Blick one of the old school , always addressed by name , a caring sort Good Morning Mrs B. Over the years their relationship has developed so that Art now called her Mrs B. He had once served at a library committee but that was when her husband was alive many years ago .
22 Cocaine production requires large amounts of water , hence factories are nearly always built by streams .
23 He added : ‘ This show is always attended by royalty — yet the MoD ca n't even get our national flag the right way up . ’
24 The dead were consumed by cleansing fire at a ceremony which every Renascian was bound to attend and there would usually be a carefully arranged display of the dead person 's life and a small booklet telling about his life and his work , nearly always written by Snizort and Snodgrass in gentle and tactful collaboration with the bereaved family .
25 Difficulties were always tempered by contact with people .
26 In such discussions Zuwaya generally assumed that they had given offence unwittingly , and that malign actions were always done by others , requiring Zuwaya to pursue justice .
27 This can be established ad hominem to anyone who makes such an identification , for it is always done by people who attach importance to the claim that what has the natural property in question is good .
28 The intervention of the unsavoury witchdoctor Zikali , who appears to be in mental communication with Ayesha as she rules in Kôr , in a way diminishes her immortal , all-powerful aspect , yet it is easy to believe that Allan , always tormented by memories of his two beloved wives , Mane and Stella , should be persuaded by Zikali to visit Ayesha and win through her power a glimpse of the lost ones .
29 And er they were always er it was never an open shop , they were always sold by appointment .
30 No single attainment test is administered to all schools , and GCE and CSE examinations were always dogged by problems of comparability .
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