Example sentences of "always [verb] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I suppose he thought I was another weirdo like him that always sit on benches talking to themselves .
2 To the Chewong , disease is always explained in terms of one of the above-mentioned attributes being upset in some way , usually through the interference of a non-human being .
3 Now that cape , it would be raining on it all night , and we had no means of drying it so that cape was left on a hanger in the house and the next coat was taken and that was worn but for some reason it seemed to be always raining on nights and you had coat wet and you came to go out it was still damp .
4 The Bradleys ' riverside establishment was still nearly always filled with customers during the day but the takings dropped .
5 In my first flat I had a very large cupboard that was always filled with things I could never find a use for , or I had forgotten about .
6 ‘ The dungeons at Tara are always filled with Humans .
7 On the other hand , even when there is a practically continuous , minimal level of activity throughout a season or year , semi-skilled and unskilled positions are always filled by casuals .
8 Visitors were expected to pay in advance but credit was always given to favourites like Modigliani and Leon Trotsky the Russian revolutionary .
9 Hospice medication was always given in doses adequate to give relief of pain and other symptoms , even at the risk of shortening life , and this could improve , of only temporarily , the quality of life of the patient as it drew to its close .
10 People who have grown up with the sport when the pressures were not too great perhaps do not always think of others .
11 ‘ Well , ’ said the Guider , ‘ he might not realise that she ca n't afford to visit him ; relatives do n't always think about points like that , and Miss Miggs would never tell him .
12 Do n't always think in terms of hiding things away .
13 Although scrupulously fair in his writings on deaf history , neither favouring use of sign language or oralism , constantly giving credit where this was due to either method , Abraham Farrar was always regarded by oralists as the greatest triumph for the oral method of teaching the deaf , though Francis Maginn once told a B.D.D.A Congress that ‘ Oral ’ pupils could not be kept from signing .
14 From being someone who simply happened to fail his first driving test , he becomes a person who ‘ always goes to pieces when sitting beside the examiner ’ .
15 During these past ten years , he had learned a great deal about his stepfather 's business ; not only did he trudge the streets collecting money , which he then took to the bank after it had been religiously recounted by Luther , but he was the one who made all the entries into the ledgers ; he was the one who always met with accountants and reported back to his stepfather , who constantly grumbled that he was ‘ too ill and racked with pain' to weigh himself down with the burden of meetings and ridiculous men in ridiculous suits , with their ridiculous ideas that a man should always invest the money he earns with the sweat of his brow …
16 While agricultural production and expenditures are not always contained by regulations of this nature , attempts were made to stabilise agricultural expenditure by introducing automatic price cuts , once thresholds upon production were reached .
17 Rildia Bee held court , charming and charmed , while Gisella Tect , baker extraordinaire , cut the wedding cake Van had bought for the party , as lovely as the wedding cakes he always has at parties for his mother , a wedding cake made , of course , by Gisella Tect herself .
18 At the highest levels of attainment in developed societies , like postgraduate research fellowships , or master classes in the arts , this is exactly what does happen — just as it always has with farmers , hunters , mothers , shamans , poets , and makers of things tangible or mental .
19 She used to be one of that Rajneesh lot , she always lives in communes , and Linda told me she was looking for somewhere .
20 Always knock on doors before you enter .
21 They nearly always hunt in couples , so one expects to find either no horns at all or two horns .
22 That 's because the energy for tenants ' politics has always come from women , and now the emergence of women 's ghettos puts poor women in the frontline with the local state .
23 The tournament is always won by Americans or Germans in both men and women 's games .
24 Now he was saying that although we were too young to talk of real love he hoped we would see each other alone and not always surrounded by friends .
25 The Duke had a passion for practical jokes-wetting people with hoses and putting itching powder in their beds — and he was a devoted animal lover , always surrounded by dogs and preferring the ugliest because no-one else would be kind to it .
26 Her Frenchness , and whiteness , seem very much under threat as she is always surrounded by Africans , and Africa .
27 Nick Jansen , always searching for openings , dribbled neatly round the 'keeper for a deserved fourth goal to put Aldershot into a semi-final tie against near neighbours , Reading .
28 I had always argued against sit-ins and ‘ direct action ’ against campus property as it was always the poor bloody infantry — the cleaners , maintenance men and secretaries — who got the rough end of the pineapple , never the generals in command .
29 I have always suffered from nightmares , and at first I thought to press one of them into service , believing that dreams speak from some inner truth , and that in their very unlikelihood lies something more plausible to our inner beings than the most prosaic diurnal life .
30 Cocaine production requires large amounts of water , hence factories are nearly always built by streams .
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