Example sentences of "always [noun] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There will probably always remain a real inequality of races , as there is always inequality of individuals .
2 There was always violence towards officers in Cookham : it happened all the time .
3 B. T. In those days , the days of tram-cars , there were always gangs of men .
4 Riven could not hear their speech , but there were always shakings of heads and grim looks .
5 Summers says so , but he has n't seen the pictures , and there are always problems with stories that emphasise the power of Meyer Lansky ; he became a kind of bogeyman , credited with old crimes to boost a reputation which helped people do what the Mob wanted .
6 There is always demand among tourists for property such as this . ’
7 ‘ There are always pressures on kids my age to diet and I am no different from the rest .
8 ‘ There 's always trouble between Moslems and Copts .
9 Flaubert always sides with minorities , with ‘ the Bedouin , the Heretic , the philosopher , the hermit , the Poet ’ .
10 For example , a computer system can check stock levels and produce a supplier 's order request automatically in good time , and this will ensure that there are always supplies of products in stock .
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