Example sentences of "quite the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the uningratiating recording quality , Bernstein 's earlier NYPO ( Sony ) recording still casts a magnetic spell , even if certain details are pulled out of focus long the way ( the DG remake has n't quite the same sparkle and energy ) .
2 In total , mergers did not occur on quite the same scale as they did in the 1920s — which was equivalent to something like one-third of all firms in manufacturing going out of existence — but they caused the loss of an equivalent of a quarter of all firms .
3 Shearer 's injury might not be on quite the same scale , but it will keep him out of qualifiers in Turkey next month , the Netherlands at home in April and the end-of-season double away to Poland on 29 May and Norway four days later .
4 The sexual proclivities of no other prime minister have aroused quite the same kind of obsessive inquiry …
5 The London Planetarium no longer strikes one with quite the same sense of awe , because planetariums are no longer new .
6 Groups no less than individuals ( although not in quite the same sense as individuals ) are subject to fits of passion , self-deception and hysteria which may create a temporary majority for decisions which will later be regretted .
7 No other , not even Previn 's splendid LSO/RCA version ( 3/91 ) , has quite the same degree of haunting evocation in the slow movement , with its passionately expensive climax .
8 Italy , France and Spain also honoured him with medals and ribbons , but in England , his native homeland , he never achieved quite the same degree of recognition .
9 Right , now that has n't happened to quite the same degree in , in agriculture , because a lot of agriculture erm , the protectionism that we 've given is in terms of high , high prices .
10 Members of the public , that is : public figures , says the report , need not expect quite the same degree of sanctuary .
11 Unfortunately , people do not feel quite the same craving to buy products made of recycled materials .
12 I 'm just not quite the same build and better looking .
13 Categories such as ‘ theatre and entertainment ’ or ‘ cinema and film ’ did not include quite the same things in 1987 as in 1961 , or not in the same proportions .
14 When the dye molecules are dissolved in another solid , transparent host material , they do not all absorb light at quite the same frequency .
15 Farmoor Reservoir does n't provide quite the same conditions as those off the coast of Brittany .
16 I can put a point rather more crudely than the Lord put it , but I realise that the present Government find it inconceivable , one day they will be in opposition , but I do wonder if they would have shown quite the same enthusiasm for this solution if it had been forthcoming from a Labour Government .
17 This borrowed item , no doubt bequeathed by some burly and well-meaning district commissioner , does not possess quite the same significance in this ambience as it had in its original context .
18 Somehow Charles Paris , sitting on his own in a towelling dressing-gown , had n't quite the same charisma .
19 Hm , yeah , it 's not , it 's not quite the same colour , you can see where the copydex has been .
20 After Adelaide , Bodyline was not exploited with quite the same intensity , but the crowds retained their fury at the mere sight of a ‘ bumper ’ .
21 ‘ Not in quite the same way as me , probably .
22 It just so happens that some people get taught or pick up techniques without too much problem ( because of circumstances and the people they interact with and learn from ) but some individuals simply do not get exposed to the right experiences to learn these things in quite the same way .
23 When you offer a piece of information , you do n't commit yourself in quite the same way that you do when you propose or suggest an idea .
24 No two observers see the same sequence of behaviour in quite the same way .
25 We shall never be able to look at either our own or other people 's religions in quite the same way again .
26 The associative process did not work with Rufus in quite the same way as it did with his erstwhile friend , Adam Verne-Smith , for Adam was an ‘ arts ’ person and he a scientist , so that Greek or Spanish names , for instance , evoked none of it .
27 The study of myths , totemism or magic involves cultural phenomena that are signs and symbols for the participants but are not in themselves lived in quite the same way as kin relations .
28 The analysis of discourse can not then be agnostic about meaning in quite the same way as can linguistics .
29 In either case , the articulatory loop could not be used in quite the same way as Hitch and Baddeley ( 1978 ) propose for memory , but would be more similar to its function in reading , where it is largely suppressed .
30 That is a serious charge against Christianity ; and one which has not been raised in quite the same way by other moral issues ( such as slavery ) which have in the past confronted Christians .
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