Example sentences of "help [pron] to some " in BNC.

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1 He helped himself to some more wine .
2 He helped himself to some more lamb tikka masala .
3 Luke watched her as she gingerly helped herself to some of the food .
4 I helped myself to some of the raw still-warm liver he was offering , realizing that I was being especially honoured as a guest .
5 I helped myself to some more red caviare and that wonderful dark sour bread , and watched the cashier noisily adding the takings on an abacus .
6 Thank goodness we had tutors who helped us to some extent and who seemed quite accustomed to listening to tales of woe .
7 As far as Wales was concerned , Warwick also took the opportunity offered by his control of Edward IV to help himself to some of Pembroke 's key offices : justiciar of south Wales , constable of Carmarthen and Cardigan and steward of Cantrefmawr and Cardiganshire .
8 As far as Wales was concerned , Warwick also took the opportunity offered by his control of Edward IV to help himself to some of Pembroke 's key offices : justiciar of south Wales , constable of Carmarthen and Cardigan and steward of Cantrefmawr and Cardiganshire .
9 The town 's brief motto , ‘ Soor Plums ’ , is a memento of an English invasion when a few stragglers misguidedly stopped to help themselves to some wild plums .
10 At one point , the German countess emerged from the midst of the gentlemen and before I had had a chance to serve her , began helping herself to some port from my tray .
11 Maman put down the loaded fork with a sigh and turned to Twomey at the sideboard : " Please give Miss Nicandra a clean plate and help her to some spinach . "
12 Well , maybe Grandpa will help you to some more —
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