Example sentences of "help [verb] [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Model mum Jilly and her little sidekick were helping to launch the NSPCC 's anti-whacking offensive in the wake of a survey about parenting .
2 But among those with special achievements to their credit were the branches at Knebworth ( Hertfordshire ) , Kelvedon , Manningtree and Wivenhoe ( Essex ) , all of which published village histories during 1953–54 ; at Hemel Hempstead which duplicated and sold Welfare and the State , the log-book of weekly discussions in a Long Terminal on ‘ Economic and Social Problems ’ held in 1956–57 ; at Linton ( Cambridgeshire ) which followed up a music course by helping to launch the Linton Music Festival in July 1957 , destined to become an annual event ; and at Colchester where a Tutorial on archaeology from 1955 to 1958 led to the formation of the Colchester Archaeological Group .
3 He was largely responsible for its recognition in the West : by his pioneering studies in ancient Indian art , such as Indian Sculpture and Painting ( 1908 ) and The Ideals of Indian Art ( 1911 ) ; by encouraging the fledgling Bengal School with sustained writings on its behalf ; and finally by helping to found the India Society with ( Sir ) William Rothenstein [ q.v. ] , for many years the bastion of Indian culture in Europe .
4 If some of Hoppé 's portraits and genre pictures have not stood the test of time , his influence on his contemporaries , his restless experimentation , his role in helping to found the London Salon of Photography , and his nineteen books made him an important figure in the history of twentieth-century photography .
5 But the spectre of international Fascism , the Nazi invasion , and the herculean efforts of the Red Army in driving Hitler 's forces back to Berlin helped to sustain the USSR 's image as the standard bearer of the forces of the Left .
6 Her unusually youthful looks meant Kylie could play a girl four years her junior and her portrayal of the spirited 12-year-old Charlene helped make The Henderson Kids a hit in Australia .
7 His wife 's grandfather helped found the ILP ( Independent Labour Party ) in 1893 .
8 He helped to establish the Palestine Conservatoire of Music and was chairman of its board of directors 1932–47 .
9 Later , in 1910 , he helped to establish the Liverpool repertory theatre .
10 He went up to Cambridge in 1826 and read Divinity ; while there he helped to found the Jesus Lane Sunday School .
11 At about the same time he helped to found the Liverpool Medical Library and the Liverpool Blind Asylum .
12 RO You helped to design the Salzburg theatre .
13 Walker was one of the most active members of the steering committee appointed in 1853 to establish the museum ; and as secretary of the British Association in 1859–61 he helped organize the Oxford meeting of 1860 , which inaugurated the museum but became famous for its discussion of Darwinism .
14 Until he died at Hawarden , Flintshire , 8 January 1933 he helped organize the St Deiniol 's Library of Henry , Baron Gladstone of Hawarden .
15 He helped to frame the Nuremberg Laws .
16 In January 1923 , France invaded the coalfields of the Ruhr in an attempt to enforce delivery of reparation coal , thereby triggering the hyper-inflation which helped to undermine the Weimar Republic and open the way for Hitler .
17 In 1935 he helped to form the Hawker Siddeley Aircraft Company , and thus facilitated the development of the Hurricane aircraft which fought in the Battle of Britain ( 1940 ) .
18 If Brian Lara 's timing and placement helped to give the West Indies ' innings its early momentum — 81 came off the first 20 overs — Simmons used his massive strength to devastating effect as 102 were plundered off the next 15 overs .
19 Viewed in the long term , the importance of the Expenditure Committee was that it helped to persuade the Commons as a whole of the need for a more comprehensive effort to review the processes of public administration .
20 Again , one of the main sources of supply today and one that helped to put the Whitby industry out of business during the late nineteenth century , is centred on Oviedo in Spain , which draws its supplies from Lower Cretaceous marls in Asturias .
21 He was the one who helped produce the Bush campaign 's dirtiest — and most effective — commercials during the 1988 campaign , including the ones hitting Mr Dukakis on his liberal prison furloughs and filthy Boston harbour .
22 In the mid 1980s , Simon helped to reform the BSA motorcycle company at Blockley in Gloucestershire .
23 ( 10 ) Thew Engineering ( Harvard OTC ) " They helped to lift the Mary Rose … "
24 He helped suppress the Matabele rising in 1896 , and learned the elements of scouting and intelligence gathering .
25 Lifelong friend Stan Cardwell said that when youth hostels were first set up in 1930s , Mr Lear helped form a Darlington branch and often used the hostels in his cross country expeditions .
26 ‘ I ca n't prove it ’ , he says , ‘ but I believe that the activities of George Soros helped to push the Clinton administration into taking effective steps to assist Russian science ’ .
27 A few of these papers became firmly established ( and the latter helped kill the London evenings ) , but more , including some founded later in the 1970s ( such as the Chelmsford Evening Herald and the Guildford Daily Advertiser ) , did not survive long into the 1980s .
28 He helped establish the Liverpool Medical Society ( of which he was secretary from 1833 and president 1836–8 ) and also the Liverpool Medical Institution ( becoming in 1840 its first secretary ) .
29 A feature of the safety approach favoured by the CEGB is the use of microprocessor technology in a bid to side-step the errors by operators which helped cause the Three Mile Island accident in the US four years ago .
30 She has raised many thousands of pounds for good causes throughout the North-East , and at present is helping to organise the Sacriston Carnival , which takes place on Saturday July 4 .
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