Example sentences of "like [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We would like to emphasise the fact that implicatures are pragmatic aspects of meaning and have certain identifiable characteristics .
2 I would like to emphasise the point I made in my previous letter , that a recent BMA survey showed that 85 percent of doctors believe a ban on animal research would damage medical progress .
3 The regional office will also be pleased to put you in touch with your nearest members ' group if you would like to attend the meetings or become more involved in helping the RSPB .
4 If you would like to attend the information evening contact Moira Shields at Farmway .
5 If you would like to attend the information evening contact Moira Shields at Farmway .
6 He had invited her to join the ladies ' sewing circle , and even suggested that she might like to attend the Tuesday evening Bible readings which he ran — he was sure that ‘ dear Miss Mates ’ would release her for the hour and a half the readings usually took .
7 Young booksellers who would like to attend the conference but have been prevented from doing so by shortage of funds should contact the ICYB vice-president Debby Sutherland at Waterstones , Bath ( ) .
8 I am grateful for this invitation and would like to attend the launch .
9 ‘ I 'd like to treat the money you won from Wyatt as a loan to the firm , ’ he said .
10 I should like to live in a community , Eleanor Thorne decided , I should like to taste the fruits of life in a small home , a retirement home , an old people 's house , whatever it might be called .
11 If you would like to support the work of ACET then please complete the coupon and return it to us today .
12 In respect of the proposed problems , I think we have come forward with clear , simple and positive recommendations and therefore I would like to support the acceptance of all recommendations in this report and finally , though it 's not my place not being a member of this Committee to comment on the budget you have agreed earlier .
13 I would like to support the motion put in the name of Mr and I would like to speak against the amendment .
14 I would like to support the amendment and I would like to speak especially now the crocodile tears from the Tory party concern for the Highfield .
15 I would like to thank the priests and people of the parish , also the Youth SVP and my friends Bernie , Alison , Susie , Emma and Sarah who helped with the collection for all their help , support encouragement and generosity .
16 THE KNIGHTS of St Columba would like to thank the priests of St Chad 's Deanery for the support to our Charity Quiz night on November 6 , at Our Lady 's Social Centre , Stockport , writes ANTHONY MOORES .
17 Moderator I 'd just like to thank the convenor .
18 Yes thank you I 'd like to thank the minister for her reply some of us in South London will still call it the site of East London Tech no matter what the minister wants to call it .
19 I 'd like to I 'd like to thank the panel for the work which they have done on this very difficult issue and , although the convenor has said that it is perhaps a difficult thing to alter the text of such a document on the floor of the house , I think we also have to point out that this is our only opportunity to comment upon this particular draft which will become a definitive draft if passed by the general assembly today .
20 Above all I would like to thank the sector for your friendship and warm support , and I have every confidence that Sir Jeffrey , my successor , I assume that resolution two will go through unan , unanimously , will be car , will be able to carry forward with your warm support , the vision I tried to outline for the next year .
21 The Author would like to thank the RAF Museum for its co-operation in the making of this article , and for allowing reference to its own publication on Sugar , A Very Special Lancaster by F E Dymond .
22 W. Smith ‘ Atlantic ’ tragedy WE WOULD like to thank the Speke Ambulance Station for their very speedy call out to attend our late N.U.S. President Mr James Henry Slater after his collapse during the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic .
23 Finally , I would like to thank the committee for their support throughout the year especially the office bearers , Vice Chairman John sharp ; Secretary , Miss J. R. Gibling and Treasurer , Mrs. P. Fisher .
24 Finally , I would like to thank the committee for their support throughout the year — especially the office bearers — Vice Chairman John Sharp ; Secretary — Miss J. R. Gibling and Treasurer — Mrs. P. Fisher .
25 At this stage I should like to thank the committee collectively for the tremendous amount of hard work and dedication put in during the year , and for the support which I have received .
26 Lyles would like to thank the Stoddard ‘ non-playing ’ Captain , Jimmy Shiels , for stepping in as their late replacement , scoring a creditable 26 points .
27 On behalf of the Martin Residential Trust , I would like to thank the members of the public who contributed so generously during our recent flag days .
28 Guitarist would like to thank The Guitar Factory in Mill Row , Bexley , Kent for the loan of the guitar , and also John Diggins of Jay Dee Guitars for his invaluable help with this article .
29 I would like to thank the Curwen Archives Trust whose generous grant has made this publication possible .
30 Once again the Team as a whole would like to thank the Institute for its support and sponsorship .
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