Example sentences of "follow the next [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 since I am one of those people who do something the wrong way round , if there is the slightest opportunity , I also inserted the needle incorrectly the first time only spotting my mistake when I read on and found that I could not follow the next instruction if my needle was at the back of the work .
2 There was first a minor raid on Exeter on a Thursday night , followed the next night by a much larger raid , which caused great damage to parts of the town .
3 Ross started the first ever Bitches Rodeo in 1988 and Lesley followed the next year , paddling poorly in the small ladies ' competition but meeting up with her now great friend and rival , Mandy Castle .
4 He then went to Boston and opened a gallery , followed the next year by one in New York and subsequently , in 1928 , by the present London gallery on Hans Road , across from Harrods .
5 The official birth of the Italian Transavanguardia movement with which Bonito Oliva 's name is now crucially linked took place in 1979 in an exhibition he organised entitled ‘ Opere fatte ad arte ’ at Acireale , followed the next year by ‘ Aperto 80 ’ at the Biennale which featured the work of Chia , Clemente , Cucchi , De Maria and Paladino , the first in a series of shows devoted to young artists at the Venice festival .
6 The popularity of this novel has been linked to its didacticism : a second edition followed the next year .
7 The first victory for an American-bred horse was in 1908 when Rubio triumphed , followed the next year by the first French success with Lutteur III .
8 His Essay towards a New Theory of Vision was published in 1709 , and was followed the next year by his master-work , A Treatise concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge .
9 News of these defeats was received by telegram at Saint Cloud on the night of 4 — 5 August , to be followed the next day by news of two further defeats at the battles of Reichshoffen and Forbach .
10 On day three all the butterflies were dead as was one angel , to be followed the next day by the other .
11 Voltaire , an altogether more sympathetic figure , who incidentally used to serve himself the best Burgundy while giving his guests vin ordinaire , observed in one of his philosophical tales that la lune de miel is followed the next month by la lune de l'absinthe . ] )
12 When Churchill gave his first broadcast , suggesting that the Labour Party might have to resort to ‘ some form of Gestapo , no doubt very humanely directed in the first instance ’ , the electors were bound to regard it as a gross exaggeration ; Attlee , following the next night , could readily ask his audience to distinguish between ‘ Winston Churchill , the great leader in war of a united nation , and Mr Churchill the party leader of the Conservatives ’ .
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