Example sentences of "follow him to [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , Barbarossa was still suspicious of the leader of the Guelphs , and when he resolved to go on crusade he ordered that Henry must either follow him to the Holy Land or return to exile in England for a further three years .
2 If the female is ready to spawn she will follow him to the nest .
3 I smiled obediently at this never-before-heard witticism , and followed him to a tank of Koi .
4 They followed him to the study because for economy it was the only fire in the house , but he worked through their conversation and did not join it .
5 And we would have seen how her eyes followed him to the door .
6 ‘ Yes , ’ she agreed , and followed him to the table .
7 She followed him to the door ; he got some tools out of the shed and squatted down to unscrew the number plates from his old Renault .
8 Vi jumped to her feet and followed him to the door of the church , wincing in the sweet , cold air .
9 That is a talent that followed him to the Foreign Office and to the Department of Health , where he helped Ken Clarke take on hospital doctors attacking their tales of long hours as ‘ fishermen 's stories ’ .
10 The dog invariably followed him to the door , as if she expected , with each visitor , that her master would be back .
11 A year later his father followed him to the grave .
12 I slipped from my own chair without a word , kicked away the detritus of my previous life which was posing as champagne foil , and followed him to the Gents .
13 She followed him to the gunroom , shouting , while he picked up a tweed coat .
14 He said , ‘ Angie … ’ and she stood aside to let him in , lost for words , then followed him to the kitchen , as if he were showing her the way .
15 Haughtily , she followed him to the door .
16 Numbly , she followed him to the ladder at the back of the yacht , then watched as he ignored it and dived powerfully into the indigo water , his body slicing cleanly with hardly a splash before he struck out with a strong , fast crawl towards the far distant shore .
17 I followed him to the cold lands of the north , and bought dogs and a sledge .
18 ‘ Time to go , ’ he announced abruptly , and Robyn , with a hollow , empty heart , followed him to the car .
19 Faisal followed him to the railings .
20 Lindsey followed him to the desk .
21 She followed him to the lift , terrified of stepping into it with him and finding it empty !
22 She followed him to the third floor , then along the gallery to a closed door .
23 As she followed him to the back of the shop , Sophie remembered with sharp dismay the appointment she had made with Dawn .
24 The police car that had followed him to the Windorah was still parked across the road .
25 Usually , the dog never stirs in the morning until I appear , fully clad , so my plan was to come downstairs , lift the ashtray , let the dog out and follow him to the hypercium .
26 Judaism and Islam could be called polytheistic religions in the sense that they do contain traditions that represent Jews and Moslems as called upon to choose one of several gods and follow Him to the exclusion of others .
27 I follow him to the kitchen and take a chair at a cream-coloured , linoleum-topped table .
28 I wipe my lips and follow him to the door .
29 But before he had reached the door Hari had called to him , following him to the door .
30 ‘ You 're too kind , ’ she muttered , following him to the door .
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