Example sentences of "follow [pers pn] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Standing outside in the gloom of the area she said , quite naturally , " You go ahead , dear , and I 'll follow you after a minute or two .
2 ‘ Fenella can follow you in a day 's time . ’
3 We went to see Antigone in Greek but although we were well primed beforehand you ca n't follow it without a crib .
4 Nobody forces you to consume the equivalent of halfa dozen eggs at one meal , but it is very easy to do so , so if you have eaten a mousseline of scallops , red mullet , and écrevisses floating in a lake of sabayon sauce , then do not follow it with a honey ice cream or one of those ali baba affairs nor with a peach charlotte containing five egg yolks , but rather with a tarte fine chaude aux pommes acidulées , which is nothing more outlandish or richer than an old-fashioned apple tart made on a base of puff pastry .
5 The story excited some comment , and no little pointing of fingers , in Fleet Street — and Greek Street — but ultimately led Event into deeper water when the magazine printed an allegation about a Daily Mirror executive , and was obliged to promptly follow it with a full-page apology and retraction in the face of legal action .
6 Two of the Moi carrying short poles followed them to a dugout canoe moored by the camp , and they paddled across the river to the plain on the other side .
7 Alyssia blew some of the flyaway blonde strands away from her face and followed them to a small table at the back of the café , hoping that she would not have to endure half an hour of French conversation while she sat on the sidelines , wondering whether what they were discussing was really as animated and interesting as it appeared .
8 Gaily followed them at a discreet distance and watched as they lowered Miss Faith Lavender into her last resting place .
9 Tero followed them at a distance , watching her new friend with sorrowful anxious eyes .
10 I followed them onto a narrow , crumbling ledge above the ravine where the wind hurled us against the wall .
11 I rose hurriedly and stumbled towards the door but the redolence followed me in a wave .
12 However , credit must also be given to Saya Yá2wshu ( Saya means teacher ) , the seconded catechist , who for my first year followed me like a shadow , to enlarge my vocabulary and lengthen my conversations and sermons .
13 They say , ah well , we followed you for a tenth of a mile , right , and it took you so long to cover that .
14 Hoomey followed him with a feeling of profound respect , even admiration , his panic soothed , his responsibilities comfortably shifted .
15 I smiled obediently at this never-before-heard witticism , and followed him to a tank of Koi .
16 I was so surprised that I followed him without a word .
17 He opened the door by his desk , and they followed him into a large room filled with dark , solid furniture .
18 I followed him into a small room beside the kitchen .
19 She followed him into a tiny , brightly lit room that was suffused with the most delectable scents of cooking .
20 I followed him into a small room .
21 He rose and staggered out and we followed him into a stinking alleyway a short distance from the tavern .
22 Still a little numb from shock , Juliet followed him into a huge hall , all gilt objects , velvet hangings , mirrors and oil-paintings .
23 Scowling at his broad , white-sweatered back , she followed him into a room as neat and orderly as an operating theatre .
24 ‘ You 're in here , ’ Ven remarked , taking up her case and heading for the door on the left of the French windows — and as she followed him into a pleasant bedroom , ‘ With luck , by the time you 've unpacked , the waiter will be here with some tea . ’
25 The carpet sucked the soles of our shoes as we followed him through a drunken , grasping audience towards a small dressing room to the left of the stage , upon which Tanya was enjoying bananas for dessert .
26 I followed him through a washroom and into a barrack room with a tiled floor .
27 She followed him through a network of alleyways until he mistakenly darted into a cul-de-sac .
28 Julia followed him through a tall , wrought-iron gate and waited on the weedy gravel in front of the pale yellow walls of a large square villa as he pulled a long , iron bell .
29 They followed him through a narrow passageway into the old town .
30 Claudia followed him in a daze .
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