Example sentences of "end [prep] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the end of course the government 's majority triumphed and the whole affair died away , but Marconi remained a favourite cry of Unionist hecklers in 1914 .
2 At the end of treatment the therapist thought that Liz would probably experience further problems in the future and so discussed with her possible ways of dealing with new difficulties .
3 They said that every year at the end of winter the cows are so thin and weak that diseases spread and wipe them out like flies .
4 Towards the end of field-work a constable newly transferred to the Neighbourhood Unit from one of the sections expressed his difficulties in adjusting to the new round of duties , stating that it was more difficult to pass the time because nothing seemed to happen ( FN 17/12/87 , p. 16 ) : establishing informal contact with the public was not yet itself seen as doing police work and boredom was unappealing .
5 At the end of luncheon the Lord Mayor proposed a toast to The Queen and the band played the National Anthem .
6 At the end of supper the Earl of Gowrie auctioned six items which raised another £20,000 for the charity .
7 Cosmologists call the far end of time the c-boundary .
8 At the upper end of luxury the first-class Mark 3s have much more room with one-plus-two seating , like their earlier Mark 1 and 2 counterparts but all in open saloon accommodation , since the side-corridor coach was deemed to be a thing of the past .
9 With this end in view the United States could not afford to be seen by the USSR as firmly aligned with Great Britain .
10 Others consider that Winnie Mandela 's record and public utterances give her husband 's frequent appeals for an end to violence a hollow ring .
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