Example sentences of "really do [vb infin] the " in BNC.

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1 It is high time a border poll was taken with all citizens of voting age here asked ( a ) their religion and ( b ) whether they want a united Ireland or not , to find out just how many Catholics really do want the British to leave .
2 I think they really do want the support , and they want the backing when they 're negotiating with other , other bodies .
3 Tomorrow we really do change the bread into meat .
4 I really do love the hardy Gladiolus nanus such as G.n. ‘ the Bride ’ ( white ) , G.n .
5 I really do hope the labour party is stuck in some kind of thirties plan I 'm afraid I 've got my doubts .
6 My my colleague promoting this on safety grounds er is absolutely right er I I really do feel the southern relief road issue where indeed works causeway will be closed in the proposals er is one thing .
7 I really do think the backpass rule completely fucked him up .
8 Hillwalkers really do owe the competitive and innovative ski market quite a debt — and it is n't ended yet .
9 This may seem like a hard thing to do , but if you 've been involved with occult powers you really do need the help of an older Christian , so pluck up all your courage and …
10 But I really do need the money . ’
11 So it , it 's as you say it 's a very tough , hard life and in order to survive , people really do need the help of other people and that 's why you 've really got to conform to a large extent in the society and you have n't got a lot of choice about erm you know wh what you 'd like to especially if you 're , if you 're young and female and not much men not if you want to get any wives that is .
12 POWERS — because IF WE LET THEM they really DO have the power to hurt us and damage our lives .
13 I think it would prefer to blame somebody who 's already responsible — as you 'll know if you really do read the papers — for every dead dog and blocked drain right across the world .
14 So you really do see the world in the R A F then ?
15 Consequently , if young children really do lack the ability to handle explanations , their capacity to benefit from the early years of schooling will be severely restricted .
16 Citation figures must be interpreted intelligently , but they really do highlight the distinction between research which is significant and that which is not .
17 However , Goody 's claims for the ‘ consequences ’ of literacy are couched in such a way that they do require it : he imposes upon himself the obligation to establish that the Greeks really did achieve the distinction of ‘ myth ’ from ‘ history ’ if his claims for literacy are to be credible .
18 Cotton took an appointment as golf director at Royal Waterloo Golf Club , telling his friends that he was testing the theory that absence really did make the heart grow fonder .
19 However , we might question to what extent youth cultures really did represent the struggles , anxieties and aspirations of the parent culture .
20 She really did have the most fantastic figure .
21 He describes this period of work as one of , of terrible strain , it was also a period in which he was personally very unhappy , and I get the impression that he really did use the best of his mind on this problem , and that for the rest of his life he found it difficult to press his thinking home with the kind of ruthlessness that many of the problems that he then assumed required .
22 Who the hell did he think he was , sitting there as if he really did own the place , stuffing his face with food , its aroma making her stomach cry out — but , worst of all , trying to destroy her new future ?
23 Whether as Gorbals kid street fighter , trustee of New Scientist , Fellow of the Royal Society or captain of industry , I really did like the man .
24 In relation to such decisions , therefore , certiorari really does quash the decision and deprive it of legal effect .
25 Mr Neads added : ‘ This really does emphasise the dangers that fireworks present .
26 The ceremony ends with a shotgun blasted into the boughs to wake up the sleeping tree.Does it work … apparently yes.It 's now thought that making such a rumpus around the trees scares off harmful insects … so wassailing really does make the orchards healthier .
27 I mean , that really does make the plot thicken does n't it ?
28 ‘ I am interested in a registration scheme which really does promote the sorts of standards that users want — reliable and flexible services that they can control , ’ she says .
29 An awful lot has been written about the destruction of the hedgerows , but it really does damage the ecology .
30 The Amp Out section has just two settings : Off , for a straight amp signal and ‘ 4x12 ’ which really does transform the sound into that of a full-sized cab .
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