Example sentences of "hold up the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She , too , holds up the spoon and tries to tempt me .
2 Early of Ely and Family ’ ( 1771 ) in which the richly clad Earl , the Countess and their two musical daughters sway elegantly in front of an idealised Greek temple set in their newly designed gardens while a small African boy dressed in a combination of Turkish and Indian costume holds up the Earl 's diadem , curiously peering round the Countess to look up at his owner .
3 To help out , the second player holds up the mirror so that the first player can see his reflection .
4 Lucker holds up the keys .
5 And no , I do n't think it holds up the action .
6 She came in eighth on January 6 after encountering unfavourable winds and suffering a broken forestay — part of the rigging that holds up the mast — in common with other competitors .
7 One holds up the east-west streets .
8 I lost Granpa quite a bit of our weekly profit that way , until he taught me to say , ‘ Twopence change , Mrs Smith , ’ then hold up the coins for all to see before handing them over .
9 Napoleon Bonaparte , Metternich , Napoleon III and Vittorio Emanuele II all visited the house , and each must have been impressed by the colossal Ionic columns that hold up the façade and hem in the doorway .
10 The ancient fords which hold up the water are dredged out , along with their water crowfoot .
11 He said : ‘ They add unfair pressure and hold up the game , with players being distracted waiting to see an incident shown again before they bowl the next ball . ’
12 You know the open topped buses where they go round they hold up the traffic .
13 It looked like somewhere waiting for a film to happen , Jasper thought , like a Western on television where two gunmen will come out of the badlands and hold up the mailtrain on the Santa Fe railroad .
14 Hold up the glass to such viewers , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , and let them see themselves in it .
15 I cry , and I reach out and , lo and behold , I touch wood and I know that it 's one of the posts which hold up the catwalk .
16 One six-year-old Our Gang refugee stood solemnly by the car , too-long pants concertinaed around his feet , holding up the officer 's revolver in both hands , covering the fat driver .
17 INDUSTRIAL wrangling over a new type of small floppy disc for storing data is holding up the development of useful portable computers .
18 It 's in what was obviously quite a nice terrace at one time , early Victorian or something , with big fat columns holding up the porches and railings on the street and steps leading to the basement .
19 ‘ You 'll need some of this too , ’ I said , holding up the lip salve .
20 Holding up the suit bag , Ellie explained , ‘ I just came to leave this . ’
21 Services of Thanksgiving were held in all churches and very well attended , and in cinemas when Mr Chamberlain was shown on Pathe News holding up the document , audiences stood and cheered .
22 The government attacks Labour 's vision of local government as municipal socialism , holding up the London boroughs of Lambeth and Haringey as examples .
23 A dispute with Telecom engineers is holding up the company 's first link in London , and Mercury 's first inter-city line — which should have been operating by now — will not open until next year .
24 She was holding up the collar of her blouse and gradually twisting it .
25 Everywhere he went in the tiny house he saw her : sitting at the table , sewing , on her knees , blackleading the grate , laughing at him as she handed him his cup of tea or coffee , and holding up the doll she had dressed for him to admire .
26 He started not only to print his addresses or charges but to review books of general interest ; to consider a book on diplomacy and war , and not to lose a chance of holding up the character of Asquith to admiration , or to contrast the laziness and drift of Stanley Baldwin as prime minister with the crusading fervour of a Gladstone .
27 They may spend Saturday night together , and as often as not you see the men holding up the bar with their pints and the women sitting at the tables with their shorts .
28 It is the question of how this transition takes place that is holding up the calling of an extraordinary general meeting for the purposes of formalising the arrangement .
29 This is followed by pushing the arms above the head , so that the cross breaks and the student appears to be holding up the ceiling .
30 Holding up the edge of the pillow with his left hand , Mungo reached under with his right to take out the striped pyjamas .
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