Example sentences of "hold her [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 [ The CARDINAL and the FOX hold her in conversation against her will .
2 Holding her at arm 's length he stared into her face as if to memorise every detail .
3 ‘ Maybe it really is time I settled down , ’ he said , holding her at arm 's length and smudging her tears away with his thumb .
4 Holding her at arm 's length , he said , ‘ You look terrible , Christina .
5 ‘ Oh-Dave-you-silly ! ’ she half-panted , half-laughed , hopping towards him as he retreated , holding her at arm 's length , but did n't finish for he let her catch up , caught all her weight to his body and kissed her passionately .
6 ‘ The children , ’ he said fondly , holding her at arm 's length .
7 ‘ Whatever is it ? ’ shrieked the old lady , shaking her loose and holding her at arm 's length .
8 Squatting to hug the two kids , fussing with Frieda 's collar , unable to stop holding her in relief .
9 If the objective of his policy had been to maintain a balance of power by opposing the strongest nation in Europe , he was no doubt picking the wrong enemy ; France was the rising power , and later in the century English policy was devoted to holding her in check .
10 ‘ You can let me go now , ’ Jenna said stiffly , reminding him that he was still holding her in arms that were beginning to tighten almost imperceptibly .
11 She tried to slide past him but he swung round with her , catching both her hands and holding her in front of him .
12 For a long moment all she could do was stare back at him , his dark fathomless eyes holding her in thrall .
13 Englishmen were afraid that France might be able to dominate Europe and were determined to hold her in check .
14 She would never allow him a reason to pity her again , to hold her in contempt .
15 The eyes that burned through her seemed to hold her like rivets .
16 Yes , she 'll be loaded now , but we can hold her in Bilbao .
17 She sat quite still , the little book in her lap and gazed up at the pale candle flame , hardly seeing it , so busy was her inward eye upon the scenes that had held her in thrall for two hours or more .
18 But she was already locked within the power of his desire , within the focus of that concentrated attention that had held her in thrall before .
19 Joshua held her for half-an-hour , dozing contentedly .
20 She shot her arm out and tried to grab it from him , but his fingers closed firmly around her wrist and easily held her at bay .
21 Her mother held her at arm 's length and examined her like a piece of merchandise , turning her this way and that , searching for concealed flaws .
22 He held her at arm 's length .
23 He held her at arm 's length and smiled tenderly .
24 He held her at arm 's length until his muscles ached .
25 Then she held her at arm 's length and frowned a little .
26 Gina stopped where she was , her fingers clenched in the palms of her hand as she fought to control the surge of irritation which threatened to make her lose her temper completely , while Rune 's brilliant gaze held her in thrall , intimate , deliberately self-assured .
27 He could command her responses as easily as though he held her in thrall , and that made her more than a little afraid .
28 How could she have let herself be used by a man who held her in contempt ?
29 Her speech was clipped and deprecatory , yet she was sought after by a host of admirers who held her in awe and sometimes felt affection for her .
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