Example sentences of "hold her [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 His arm snaked out , pinioning her round her waist , drawing her back against his body , holding her firmly so that she could feel the thunder of his heart against her back .
2 Alice thought she could not leave her only child , her baby daughter , that she might never see again , without holding her once more , without at least giving her a last kiss .
3 The powerful hand , holding her so carefully , had been shaking .
4 She could n't reply , he was holding her so tightly ; and , in any case , there was nothing she wanted to say .
5 He glanced round , then caught her arm and steered her unceremoniously across the street into a small park , holding her so tightly that she had no chance to break away .
6 He had gathered her closer in his arms , he was holding her so tightly that she could n't tell whose heartbeat it was she felt throbbing within her bones , his or hers .
7 Nicolo cried out her name , then gathered her close and kissed her , holding her so tightly that she felt the thundering beat of his heart .
8 Ma came and picked her up , holding her so tight she could hardly breathe .
9 Holding her very gently under the water , I took a pair of tweezers and carefully managed to get hold of the piece of gravel and remove it .
10 Clumsily , for he was holding her too tightly for her to manoeuvre , she kissed him there , but he twisted away , bruising her lips and leaving her confused and rejected .
11 ‘ But Tess ! ’ he said , amazed at her answer and holding her still closer .
12 The buzzard flew to the king 's palace , waited , perching in an oak tree , until the princess came out for her evening stroll , and then picked her up and carried her back to the forest , holding her as carefully as if she were made of rose petals .
13 She did not think it wise to add she had suffered so many traumatic incidents in a few days that this was a minor one , nor that her knees had turned to water and refused to hold her up any longer .
14 The stark desire in his face threatened to take what strength she had left , nor did he make any attempt to hide the blatant response of his body to that consuming , passionate kiss , continuing to hold her so tightly that she could feel him with every part of her being , could still taste him inside her mouth .
15 He rose to his feet to hold her more firmly .
16 Branson held her to contract for five more months , preventing her from working anywhere else , until he decided it was unreasonable to hold her any longer , and she was at last able to find work elsewhere in the record industry .
17 When he had gone , Jessamy wandered into the small bedroom and sat down on the bed , because her legs felt as if they just would n't hold her up any longer .
18 How could he hold her so tenderly one moment , only to treat her like this the next ?
19 Yet there had been those kisses pressed upon her own lips — and what about the embraces that had held her so closely against him ?
20 Ma had held her so tight the buttons of her dress had pressed into Anna 's chest until they hurt .
21 She knew precisely to what evidence he referred , had already experienced tactile proof of his arousal when he had held her so close to his warm naked body .
22 Yes , but she could be parting from him in a different way — ; stealing away , running off , he was surprised she had never done so , that she had n't killed the old woman with a poison in the way she had perhaps schemed to kill him , that she had not held her under just a moment too long when she took her swimming that she had not simply abandoned her in the settlement .
23 ‘ Yes , I will , ’ she said quietly and John held her even closer and kissed her passionately .
24 They were silent for a moment , and then quite suddenly Johnny pulled Cassie roughly into his arms and held her very tight .
25 She wanted to cry then , terrible tears of hopelessness , for the kiss and the way he held her so comfortingly were hopeless .
26 She drank in the clean masculine smell of him , revelling in the power of the arms that held her so tightly , the tenderness of the hands that caressed her heated skin .
27 He held her so tightly she could hardly breathe and he held a gun to her head and told the cashier to hand over money .
28 For a moment , he held her more closely .
29 He held her more closely to his side .
30 I might have guessed , ’ and then he uttered a string of oaths , so oddly at variance with his usual smooth and civilised manner and appearance that Sally-Anne shivered and tried again to pull away from him , but he held her more tightly than ever .
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