Example sentences of "hold the next [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The fetch phase involves extracting the contents of the store location referred to by the program counter , and decoding it into an operation code portion , specifying an operation to be carried out , and an operand portion , specifying a store address ( whose numeric value we will indicate as The program counter is then incremented by one , to point to the next store location in sequence , since this normally holds the next instruction to be executed .
2 The control unit contains a special storage device or register , the program counter , which contains the address of the store location holding the next instruction to be executed or obeyed .
3 The two sides agreed to hold the next round of talks in Beijing in the first half of 1992 .
4 The majority of those present at the 26th June Q.T. Day voted to hold the next A.G.M. on a Saturday afternoon .
5 Since Cicely Harris 's retirement Pauline Kenward has undertaken arrangements for this event and following requests for a new venue plans are in hand to hold the next Dinner Dance on Friday 18th February 1983 at the Queen 's Hotel , Crystal Palace .
6 The actual wedding was to be held the next day , and then Changez and Jamila would stay at the Ritz for a couple of nights .
7 Leroy Burns was rebuking a demonstrator , who had arrived to take part in a rally to be held the next day against racism and the National Young Conservatives .
8 It is hoped to attract 500 people to each of the two performances and to follow up the event with an ‘ Open Day ’ to be held the next week at which the public will be encouraged to try Medau for themselves .
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