Example sentences of "hand [v-ing] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Her eyes flew open as Roman kissed her again , his hands stroking the soft shoulders , revealed by her scanty nightdress .
2 Despite the availability of hardware for the automated conversion of geographic data from paper maps to digital form ( e.g. optical scanners ) much data input to GIS is still done by hand using a digitizing table .
3 Fringes or selvedges that become partially detached can be carefully sewn back by hand using a matching coloured thread of the same material .
4 A wobbling of the stepping stone , a panicky leap — and I landed sprawling on a soft , spongy blanket of sphagnum moss : to find the fingers of my right hand touching a small plant — which I instantly recognised as the common sundew .
5 The woman brought me a chair as I bent over her , both my hands enclosing the weak one which lay on the bedcovers .
6 Travis responded with a groan , his hand seeking the swift rise and fall of her breast beneath her jumper .
7 The Lad stood for a moment , his hands caressing the formless thing .
8 The left hand paying the right hand .
9 Opened up , it contains only a rapid sketch of the artist 's hand holding a supplicatory top hat , above the characteristic signature .
10 It was a ghostly hand holding a lighted candle , and the luckless man who beheld it knew that it was a portent of his death .
11 It allowed a splinter party , Swapo-Democrats , to appropriate and register the symbol which Swapo used for nearly 30 years , a hand holding a flaming torch .
12 The sight of the two customers that entered this time stayed her hand holding the small brass scoop that was about to transfer a minute amount of coconut chips to the scale .
13 As we watched a German soldier — his hands above his head — one hand holding the white flag , was now in the centre of the road , facing in our direction ; he beckoned us to approach .
14 But she was relied on to be correct , so no-one disturbed her as she worked , her arthritic hands holding a stubby pencil , her long , old-fashioned mask covering her mouth as she murmured to herself .
15 She advanced on her daughter , caught sight of the red and ruined hands holding the shabby bag , drew in her breath , and said , ‘ What on earth , Sally-Anne , have you been doing to , or with , your hands ? ’
16 She accepted his gesture of courtesy , the touch of his hand sending an unexpected thrill shooting through her system .
17 Not to worry , even without an extra mast , quite good results can be obtained by hand feeding the additional yarns .
18 His lips savaged hers , his hand kneading the tender flesh at her hip as though he would make her one with him .
19 Although this implies fixing something that 's broken , it is more to do with hand finishing a woven carpet .
20 Hans Ebert stood by the open hatchway of the transporter , his left hand gripping the overhead strap tightly as the craft rose steeply from the mountainside .
21 She looked up at him with wide grey eyes , her lips parted softly , and he tightened her to him , his hand gripping the long , wet hair darkened further by the water .
22 This will result in the balls from either hand having a different trajectory so that they will not ‘ kiss ’ in the air .
23 She squatted down to peer through the glass and saw a headscarf printed with Scottie dogs and a hand clutching a potted plant with its leaves torn off .
24 The old lady would n't reach him in that time ; but the assistant saw her swing her right arm forward , the hand clutching a furled umbrella by its ferrule. the crook of the umbrella hooked inside the front of the little boy 's blazer and hooked him like a fish from water out of the path of the skidding car .
25 Moreover , the Germans had no desire to be saddled with more of BAOR 's sector of the front : they had enough on their hands under-pinning the Dutch and Belgian corps , whose military worth they had good reasons to doubt in the late 1950s .
26 Over Aurae Phiala the April dusk closed very softly and calmly , like a hand crushing a silvery moth .
27 Rourke held her close , his hand tracing the slender column of her throat , his lips nuzzling the smooth pathway where his fingers led .
28 Barnett swung away from the bar , his hand finding the slippery handle of the knife .
29 She threw it away , then fumbled in the bag , her hand finding the solid objects racked neatly in its side .
30 They rested on elbows , or lay stretched like Stars , stomachs in sand , smooth heads together , a brown hand lifting a white cigarette to a rose-painted mouth , and a line of malachite green smoke going up into the air , which was not here the intense cobalt of the plain of Orange , but pearl-cream-gold , a heavy air , soft and undulating like the pale sand and beyond it the warm , hazed , sand-green sea .
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