Example sentences of "mr [noun prp] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 All your twenties were on her little list and when Mr Nassim put them in the bank yesterday he got a nasty shock .
2 He moved to the door saying , ‘ If Mr Colin recommends them , I 'll take all three ’
3 Eventually , thunder rumbled in the distance , and he looked up and asked if it was gun-fire ; when I said I thought not , he moved to the door saying , ‘ If Mr Colin recommends them , I 'll take all three ’ .
4 Mr Hobbs gave them his bread and cheese .
5 Mr McQueen joined them at table , and gave Johnson the kind of local knowledge he loved — the economics , way of life , problems of such an existence .
6 They were all larking about but when Mr Leyland asked them to calm down Howe turned violent .
7 After that Mr Jotter gave them each a long word typed on a piece of card .
8 And despite Robbie 's protest that his daughter might also scold if he brought home an unexpected extra guest , the Reverend Mr Taylor hustled them out of the church and towards the adjoining house .
9 Mr Taylor bade them be seated while he went in search of his daughter .
10 Tory members who felt that Mr Lawson regarded them as intellectual pigmies ( as , doubtless , he did ) are puffed up with pleasure at how this kinder , gentler chancellor listens to them .
11 It may be boring for nuclear experts to have to worry about plumbing , albeit sophisticated plumbing , but they must prove that they can get the simple bits right before Mr Lawson gives them a new reactor to play with .
12 ‘ They are the ones who invited Mr Adams to address them just 500 yards from the Grand Hotel which some of us have cause to remember ; to address them less than two weeks after the time when , along the coast at Deal , 10 young musicians in the Royal Marines were foully murdered .
13 She said Mr Mandela told them that he had written a document setting out his views on negotiations , the prospect of which President de Klerk has been promoting since well before the National Party returned to power in the 6 September elections .
14 The members walked to the ‘ handsome restaurant erected on the very summit of the Head ’ where Mr Burt gave them all lunch .
15 Mr Fairfax has them . ’
16 Mr Crowden told them of the terms of the will and suggested that Violet 's legacy seemed a poor reward and that it might be improved .
17 Mr Menem woos them by saying that both money wages and public-sector employment should rise .
18 Mr Singleton sold them for two pounds each .
19 Hoomey achieved his quarter of a width , Jazz did two lengths , Bean three and Gary seven , and Mr Foggerty bought them all a coke each , reminding himself to put it down on expenses , and left them to catch their various buses .
20 Two other NTB members , Michael Portillo and Peter Lilley , are already in the Cabinet so if Mr Redwood and Mr Forsyth join them this will reassure Tory Euro-sceptics , one of Mr Major 's political priorities .
21 But when Mr Patterson followed them outside he was immediately attacked by Sharpe and chef Michael White , 26 , of Hebburn .
22 Mr Marshall told them you could forecast the weather with pine cones .
23 These disappeared and it was not until 1991 that Mr Fothergills reintroduced them as ‘ Brighton Rock ’ .
24 Instead Mr Stroud gave them a form to submit to the diocesan chancellor .
25 If Mr Malik noticed them , he showed no sign of it .
26 Mafouz , Sheikh , Mahmud , Akhtar , and , at the back , their ears jutting out like radio antennae , the Husayn twins with Khan — or Famine , Pestilence and War , as Mr Malik called them .
27 ‘ When Mr Ali asked them to leave , Sharp became aggressive and Mr Ali went into the kitchen .
28 I told Mr Kennedy to put them in the kennels last night .
29 Mr Hurd urged them not to make ‘ the last main chapter in the story of this country 's Empire ’ a shadowy one .
30 Mr Fagan told them his name was Michael Hess , son of the Nazi leader Rudolf Hess who was in Spandau prison in Germany .
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