Example sentences of "provide [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Inoue reached an agreement on revision which provided for the legal system to be Westernized along approved lines , foreign judges to sit in cases involving non-Japanese nationals , and for tariffs to be raised without the achievement of tariff autonomy .
2 Indeed it was historic , in that it provided for the first time for the elimination of an entire class of nuclear arms — land-based missiles of intermediate and shorter range .
3 Even the Darwinian theory of evolution was impressive , not because the concept of evolution was new — it had been familiar for decades — but because it provided for the first time a satisfactory explanatory model for the origin of species , and did so in terms which were entirely familiar even to non-scientists , since they echoed the most familiar concept of the liberal economy , competition .
4 The so-called Endeavour Accord , which provided for the immediate lifting of the blockade and for the restoration of communications , education , health and power services , was reached after the two sides agreed to set aside the independence question for further talks within the next eight weeks .
5 It provided for the unimpeded movement of foreign exchange and gold into and out of the country by both Philippine residents and overseas investors , and removed the requirement that foreign exchange earned abroad by Philippine-based commodity and service exporters be sold to Manila-based banks .
6 Instead , he proposed a package which provided for the highest degree of democratization permitted under the Basic Law , the colony 's Constitution which had been approved by China in 1990 .
7 A movement was born that provided for the next four years the reference point for the left , and for artists and what passed for Britain 's Beats .
8 The published version of the draft constitution , which provided for the direct election of the president for an eight-year renewable term , and allowed the president to issue emergency decrees , did not include an amendment approved by the Assembly recommending that Saddam Hussein be elected President for life .
9 The Knesset approved legislation on March 18 which provided for the direct election of the Prime Minister .
10 This combination of Infirmary League and Friendly Society was a good insurance against sickness but , of course , there were always those who never provided for the rainy day .
11 Vietnam and the United Kingdom signed an agreement in Hanoi , the Vietnamese capital , on May 12 which provided for the forcible repatriation of all Vietnamese " economic refugees " from Hong Kong .
12 The free trade agreement between Canada and the USA ( signed in 1988 and implemented from Jan. 1 , 1989 ) , which provided for the eventual abolition of all customs duties between the USA and Canada after one , five and 10 years , continued to produce disputes between the two countries over specific items during 1990 .
13 Organizations for linking , such as those which many LEAs provide for the primary-to-secondary move , have also done much to encourage the pooling of detailed information about the curriculum up to the age of 16 and the curriculum either in the technical or vocational context up to the age of 17 or 18 or in a tertiary college up to the age of 18 .
14 For final output the system must be able to calculate the number of lines and pages that a section of text will make , generate running heads and feet , and provide for the complete hyphenation , justification , and page make-up of the text .
15 In 1977 , the Labour Health Secretary David Ennals said : ‘ In the present economic climate the Government can do little more than provide for the increasing number of old people , leaving a small margin for improvements in method of treatment . ’
16 At this point we might begin to talk about ‘ the state ’ as something which extends beyond government ( and especially beyond the Government of the day ) and the part which it plays in ordering our lives through its claims to guarantee , represent and provide for the common interests of its citizens .
17 By far the most effective arrangements presently available are those which : ( 1 ) provide for the continuing partners to have the option to acquire the share in the firm of an outgoing partner ( which overcomes the tax problems noted in Chapter 10 and offers some desirable freedom of manoeuvre to the continuing partners without ordinarily causing any disadvantage to the outgoing partner ) ; ( 2 ) finance the purchase of the share of a partner who dies before retirement by way of insurance effected on the lives of each of the partners the proceeds of which are declared to be held on trust for the partners for the time being ; ( 3 ) finance by endowment insurance the purchase of the shares of partners whose retirement can be predicted ; ( 4 ) ensure that in any case which is not or can not be sufficiently covered by available insurance ( eg payments to a partner who is expelled or who otherwise leaves the firm before normal retirement date ) payment of any capital sum is spread over a period so to reduce the burden on the continuing partners without imposing any great hardship on the outgoing partner or his estate ; and ( 5 ) impose on each partner an obligation ( Clause 14.02 ) to take out adequate ( as discussed with all the partners from time to time ) retirement provision for the benefit of himself and his familyso as not to impose any burden in that respect on the firm , which in former times would have accepted responsibility .
18 Rentokil Medical Services provide for the safe collection and disposal of used hypodermic needles , scalpels and other surgical instruments and soft clinical waste such as bandages and other medical dressings .
19 Bakeries and dairies provide for the local market .
20 The new school came into being to provide for the increasing numbers of Methodist children in Edenderry .
21 6.3 The Lease shall be completed on the Completion Date at the offices of the Landlord 's solicitors or at such other place as the Landlord 's solicitors shall [ reasonably ] require The parties ' solicitors will normally agree to complete without the necessity for personal attendance , but the tenant 's solicitor may wish to amend this clause to provide for the agreed arrangements regarding completion , particularly where the landlord 's solicitor 's office is in Berwick-upon-Tweed and the tenant 's solicitor is in Penzance .
22 The money left over is unlikely even to provide for the current training budget to keep pace with inflation .
23 It is presumably used by species in which it takes two adults to provide for the young .
24 The opposition also emphasized that the referendum failed to address the issue of the 10,000 US troops stationed in the Panama canal zone and the need to provide for the future security of the canal when it came under complete Panamanian control at the turn of the century .
25 The notice can in fact be contained in a market counterparty terms of business letter or agreement ; this may be used in order to provide for the various commercial protections the firm may want and the material interest disclosures that may still be needed at law as a result of fiduciary obligations even if ( exactly because the market counterparty is not a customer ) they are not required by the COB Rules .
26 In the UK , attempts to gain greater value for money have been related more to the present depressed economic climate than any need to provide for the wider accountability of government expenditure .
27 In the gigantic concrete suburbs around Bucharest and the other major cities , no churches were built to replace the ones in the areas demolished and to provide for the spiritual needs of the relocated populations .
28 It was hoped that the fund would raise some 6,000 million forints ( about US$80,000,000 ) in 1991/1992 , although it was widely predicted that this would be insufficient to provide for the estimated 300,000 unemployed in Hungary .
29 is the amount of principal charged in the fund revenue accounts to the Loans Fund to provide for the ultimate repayment of loans .
30 With this Act LEAs were required , for the first time , to provide for the medical inspection of children in elementary schools .
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