Example sentences of "provide [noun] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 To provide foundations for the walls , we formed a toe around the outside , 75mm deeper and a shovel width ( like a moat ) , and skimmed off the sharp corner .
2 Nevertheless , they could be said to be implicit justifications of an almost fully formulated nature , in that they provide reasons for the existence of the monarchy and its ceremonial occasions .
3 It was also to incorporate the sabra or prickly pear , the cactus which is a symbol of Israel , to provide hope for the future not only for Jews but also for all the persecuted people of the world .
4 The decoy system was once used to provide birds for the table .
5 The individual being insufficient for the expression of these values , they might be extended in vicarious forms such as footservants who had nothing to do but to display their own superfluity , or pets , which provided surfaces for the further display of luxury .
6 DoE might be prepared to provide money for the initial cost of investigating polluted sites .
7 The point was that the plaintiffs ' interest in Jarrad exceeded their interest in Jesner , and they contended that the object of Jarrad had been to provide money for the family and not to have its assets syphoned off to prop up Jesner .
8 Is it not clear that the substantial staged increases in respect of the existing bridge are being imposed simply to provide money for the second , privatised bridge ?
9 At the conclusion of the programme , the Minister of Conservation will reassess the regulations required to provide protection for the downunder dolphin .
10 In the end the police decided not to seek to ban the march but to police the route and to provide protection for the marchers against the violence which had been threatened by opposing factions .
11 Thus it is argued that , in order to provide protection for the UK car industry , the VER negotiated with the Japanese to limit car imports into the UK should be tightened and the Japanese should certainly not be allowed to establish production facilities in Britain , whereby the VER might be avoided .
12 The principal objective of the system of supervision with the Appointed Actuary is to give emphasis to the importance of providing fair value for consumers of life assurance products and ensuring their security , rather than to provide protection for the insurance company .
13 Meanwhile , an attempt by France on April 2 to persuade the UN Security Council to adopt a resolution to provide protection for the Kurds , ended in failure after opposition from China , the Soviet Union and the USA , which maintained that it would set a precedent for Security Council involvement in internal controversies .
14 Our data are consistent with gonadal sex being determined by the same gene in all mammals and , together with the evidence for a marsupial Y-borne homologue of the mouse Ubely , provide support for a monophyletic origin of the mammalian Y chromosome .
15 These differences , together with the serious physical health consequences and metabolic abnormalities associated with vomiting and purging , provide support for the DSM-IV subtyping of anorexia nervosa .
16 The earlier plans of 1939 were considered inadequate and in 1951 Mr Robert Frater ARIBA was asked to provide plans for a church to seat about 386 .
17 Before the Garden invests further in computer equipment , cabling , and other IT equipment , the Computer Management Group is to advise Management on our existing IT situation , and to provide plans for the logical development of computing and other IT facilities .
18 In contrast , Section 11 grants available since 1966 to some authorities to provide funding for the special needs of ethnic minority pupils , have tended to marginalize spending on black pupils .
19 Mr McKeown also urged the Arts Council to provide funding for an extension to the theatre , comprising a rehearsal room , set construction workshop and studio theatre with flexible seating for between 50 and 150 people .
20 Pre-dating the National Health Service by over thirty years , in 1916 the Venereal Disease Regulations were passed instructing all local health authorities to provide clinics for the diagnosis and treatment of the venereal diseases .
21 In particular , the operation of the Social Fund — a benefit offered as a loan — often calls for social workers to provide support for a particular case , given the limited budget of the fund and the rationing that must be applied as a result .
22 A constructed exchange control index is used to provide support for the hypothesis that financial deregulation has provided a boost to foreign portfolio investment .
23 We also have to provide support for the A N C for thirty years a banned organization having to start from scratch in a country where the majority is supported but having no party officers or structures in place because if we suspend support to them or reduce it it will be like having no support of them all this time and just when the bird is about to fly you clip its wings .
24 Not only does packaging provide protection for the product , but it can also reinforce the brand image and the point-of-sale attraction to the buyer .
25 More recently , for example , the DES provided funding for the National Curriculum Council ( NCC ) to procure five interactive discs supporting mathematics teaching in both primary and secondary schools .
26 More recently Gill , Khalaf , and Massoud ( 1979 ) provided support for the stance of Jones and Wellman , deducing that the observed increase in rank up to the medium-volatile stage could be adequately explained as the thermal result of former depth of burial ; the higher ranks , they argued , require the additional factor of above-average palaeogeothermal gradients in the area concerned .
27 That provided support for the regulars in a vital role .
28 According to Mrs Sadat , her husband then offered to provide sanctuary for the Iranian Air Force and Navy .
29 Although it is the traditional culture which continues to manage the western world , Snow argued , only science can feed that world , create wealth , provide hope for the poor and the sick , and forge the essential links between intellect and practicality which make for a proper wisdom and awareness of moral and social issues .
30 There is no Building Control requirement to provide toilets for the public , but if they are provided , then at least one must be suitable for use by the disabled .
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