Example sentences of "call [prep] a national " in BNC.

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1 IN A RARE display of consensus last week , industry , consumers ' organisations and the environmental movement called for a national committee to examine the social and ethical implications of biotechnology and genetic engineering of plants and animals , Tom Wilkie writes .
2 Although he insists there will be no change in France 's basic strategy , President Mitterrand has called for a national debate on defence .
3 On 26 October the Chronicle called for a National Guard which would unite " the most respectable and efficient of the middle and labouring classes " .
4 The permanent committee of Zaïre 's bishops had on March 2 criticized the " blocking " of democratisation and called for a national conference .
5 Some parties had called for a national multiparty conference to be held first .
6 The Labour Conference , which described itself as a body uniting all forms of workers ' struggle for their rights , called for a national warning strike which would create local bodies which could participate in the struggle against the current government and its reforms .
7 The bill had faced a stormy second reading on Feb. 15 , with Kharkov deputy Leonid Suchov calling for a national referendum on the issue , since he believed the law " betrayed the essence of the state " .
8 With several leading opposition figures clamouring for his resignation and calling for a national conference , President Mobutu Sese Seko on March 15 named a new Prime Minister , Mulumba Lukeji , replacing Lunda Bululu who had resigned the day before .
9 The national radio , Voix du Zaïre , reported that in Kinshasa on April 10 a peaceful student demonstration calling for a national conference had been dispersed by troops using tear gas .
10 As well as devoting attention to the management of the war economy , it had by July 1942 produced a broadsheet , Planning for Social Security , which substantially anticipated the Beveridge report in calling for a national minimum income , universal family allowances , a national health service and a Ministry of Social Security .
11 The report , which the Children 's Society says is the first detailed study of runaway youngsters , calls for a national centralised system for collecting statistics on missing juveniles .
12 She calls for a national policy for dealing with runaway children , and more government funding .
13 The NCC report calls for a national policy to protect estuaries on both sides of the tidal line .
14 It called for a national plan , with the full co-operation of Commonwealth governments .
15 Shadow home secretary Tony Blair called for a national strategy to tackle the growing problem .
16 Mr Brown called for a national recovery programme to boost industry and create jobs .
17 The copper workers ' strike , which had started on July 20 [ see p. 39017 ] , was supported by six other unions , which called for a national general strike to start on Aug. 18 , and for an end to Poland 's economic reforms .
18 The copper workers ' strike , which had started on July 20 [ see p. 39017 ] , was supported by six other unions , which called for a national general strike to start on Aug. 18 , and for an end to Poland 's economic reforms .
19 Given the Labour Party 's lack of political action on the Spanish issue it is hardly surprising that the Labour Spain Committee renewed its efforts to call for a national conference , which it organized in October 1938 .
20 Than Tun continued to call for a national government but made it clear that armed struggle was , for the present , not envisaged .
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