Example sentences of "call [prep] [art] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Sebastian Arcos Bergnes , vice-president of an unofficial human rights group , was brought to trial in early October for ‘ enemy propaganda ’ ; the prosecution has called for a six year sentence .
2 Jim Smith , the manager whose shrewd tactical plan stifled Liverpool in last week 's 1–1 draw at Highbury , has called for a 10 per cent improvement from his players in tonight 's replay — and more of the same from the supporters .
3 The statement called for a 50 per cent reduction , ‘ appropriately applied ’ , in their strategic arsenals , an interim INF agreement and appropriate measures to ‘ prevent an arms race in space ’ .
4 The hon. Gentleman represents a party that has called for a 50 per cent .
5 The European Parliament 's Transport Committee has called for a 40 per cent cut in carbon dioxide by the year 2010 — a far more ambitious figure than the Community 's official target of a freeze at 1990 levels by 2000 .
6 Concern has been raised in Parliament today and the Social Security Select Committee called for the eight month old agency to be overhauled .
7 They stressed UNLU 's moderate demands , calling for a two state solution , mutual recognition , direct Israeli-PLO negotiations , concluding ‘ the Palestinians are calling for no more than peace with a reasonable measure of justice . ’
8 They have devised a new plan calling for a dozen man-made lakes to store rain and to render the Atlanta region ‘ drought-proof ’ for the next half-century .
9 He only has specific proposals for 10% of the total entitlement spending cap , yet the across the board tax rate cuts would lose $25bn a year in revenue for each percentage point reduced , and conservatives are calling for a three point cut .
10 The World Wide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) is calling for a 40 per cent cut in North Sea fishing fleets in order to conserve fish stocks , particularly those of cod and haddock , which it warns could disappear from the area within five years if present catch rates continue .
11 At the same time a report by the West German Bundesbank ( central bank ) , calling for a 2:1 conversion rate between the East and West German Marks when monetary union was introduced , aroused great controversy until the West German government eventually agreed to a more favourable offer .
12 The resulting radical pollution control programme outlined by Nixon , calling for a 90 per cent reduction in vehicle emissions by 1980 , not only led to him being credited ( albeit briefly ) as policy initiator of an environmental clean-up but also provided him with the chance to deal a blow to one of his most important opponents in the 1972 elections , Edmund Muskie .
13 It 's calling for the two men to be released on bail immediately .
14 The plan calls for a 17 percent reduction in timber felling over the next year , but avoids offering long tern protection to the owl or its habitat .
15 A letter of intent also calls for the two firms to cross-license and resell each other 's products .
16 The agreement calls for the two companies to co-operate on continued development of Citrix products that provide multi-user and network extensions for future Microsoft operating systems , notably Windows NT .
17 The promised agreement between Apple Computer Inc and Microsoft Corp calls for the two to work together on future technologies to help ensure a smooth and long-term evolution for customers of Microsoft applications for the Apple Macintosh — Microsoft has committed to doing versions of its Macintosh applications for the PowerPC RISC .
18 The proposal calls for the four leading Welsh teams to be taken into the West 's Premier Division , with four more going into North Division One .
19 Staff training stressed service and advice rather than aggressive selling , and people found the Board shops ( or ‘ service centres ’ as they were rather coyly called before the 1960s ) helpful on matters such as fixing plugs , and advice on safety , reliability , running costs and brand choice .
20 The story begins almost like a fairy tale with the old king calling upon the three princesses to divide his kingdom among them and ‘ shake all cares and business from [ his ] age ’ .
21 The buxom Mlle Gilles is called upon every 10 minutes to reveal her all ( or three-quarters of it ) and while this is no sight to be despised , she could have appeared stark-naked from beginning to end and still failed to distract our attention from the movie 's essential mediocrity . ’
22 A resolution calls on the 21 member states of the Council of Europe to bring forward effective legal measures to ensure equal access to employment and prohibit HIV tests as a condition of employment in most cases .
23 The Assembly resolved , for the first time , to eliminate leprosy as a public health problem by the year 2000 and called on the 93 countries where leprosy was endemic " to further increase or maintain their political commitment " to leprosy control .
24 Opposition leaders called on the two ministers at the ministry of justice to resign .
25 On Dec. 4 King Bhumibol made a highly unusual intervention and called on the two sides to settle the affair peacefully .
26 Opening the session , which had been preceded by a standing committee meeting , the Prime Minister of Pakistan and current chair of the organization , Benazir Bhutto , called on the seven member countries to work out a partnership to meet their security concerns , as well as the social and economic means to realize the potential of the region as an economic power .
27 Someone calling at The Two Pheasants , I suppose , or at the Shoosmiths . ’
28 A two-day strike was launched on Aug. 21 by 70,000 miners , coinciding with a general strike called by the two leading trade union confederations in protest at government austerity measures announced on Aug. 8 .
29 Called by the five main opposition parties and by trade unions , the protest took place with government consent .
30 Professor Krauskopf will be Switzerland 's legal expert at the Paris conference , called by the seven richest industrial nations at their summit in June .
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