Example sentences of "party 's [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But Mr Kinnock , 50 , clearly devastated by his party 's rejection at the polls , wants a successor chosen as quickly and as smoothly as possible .
2 Never underplay the Tory party 's ruthlessness towards a limping leader , we were told .
3 A party is regarded as acquiring control if it has the possibility of exercising " decisive influence " on another party in particular by ownership or the right to use all or part of the assets of the other party , or rights which confer decisive influence on the composition , voting or decisions of the other party 's board of directors or of its shareholders ' meetings .
4 Shortly after the end of the strike , Dobre left the valley to go and study at the Communist Party 's university in Bucharest , the Academy Stefan Gheorghe .
5 None the less those who engaged in frequent political discussions became particularly aware of the Conservative Party 's stress on defence .
6 Launched as a fortnightly in 1957 , this paper had TANU behind it , and its first editor , Mr Bagdelleh , had been a member of TANU 's Central Committee since the party 's foundation in 1954 .
7 Avtandil Margiani resigned as first secretary of the Georgian CP on Feb. 18 , citing the complex political situation in Georgia and the loss of the party 's prestige among the public .
8 Each party 's entitlement of seats should be proportionate to its share of the total constituency votes received by candidates of all parties , and it would be met by the award ( if necessary ) of a number of additional seats so calculated as to " redress the distorted results in the constituencies " .
9 Again Ted demurred , but the Parliamentary Party 's unease over the procedure for new leadership elections caused him to set up a review committee under Alec Home .
10 In a speech to " non-party personages " in Beijing on Dec. 2 the CCP general secretary Jiang Zemin said that a document on agriculture approved by the plenum covered the following points : ( i ) the achievements of agriculture and rural work in the 1980s and the main tasks for the 1990s ; ( ii ) stabilizing and improving the party 's basic policies for rural work and continuing to deepen rural reforms ; ( iii ) raising the overall agricultural production capability ; ( iv ) carrying on socialist ideological education and strengthening building of spiritual civilization and the legal system in the rural areas ; and ( v ) reinforcing the party 's leadership on rural work .
11 President Yang Shangkun , as the new First Vice-Chairman of the CMC , emphasized the party 's leadership over the Army and political building within it by education in the Four Cardinal Principles ( the socialist system , the dictatorship of the proletariat , the leadership of the Communist Party and Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought ) and by opposing bourgeois liberalization .
12 The main task of the Defence Council is to formulate an annual , as well as a five-year , ‘ plan of military construction ’ klan voennogo stroitel'stva ) in accordance with the Party 's reading of political and strategic interests .
13 Although the current rise in unemployment , now slowing down , which we are witnessing is frustrating and to some extent avoidable , the Labour party 's criticism of the Government 's record is both hypocritical and deceitful .
14 Sedgefield Labour MP Tony Blair : ‘ Our commitment to the NHS , and to the elderly and families by increasing pensions and child benefits will bring to Government a sense of community and the need to help others so obviously missing from the Conservative party 's agenda over the last 13 years . ’
15 Computerised projections showed the party 's share of the vote for regional and city councils had fallen to 37.9 per cent from 42.2 per cent in 1984 .
16 With 36 per cent of the manual workers ' vote in 1987 the party 's share of the working-class vote was the highest for any post-war election .
17 The proportion of voters identifying with the Conservative party is about the same as in 1964 ( although Labour 's fall has been steep ) and the party 's share of the vote in 1983 and 1987 was actually slightly less than in 1979 .
18 The party 's share of vote was squeezed , dropping five points from 1987 to 18 per cent .
19 The party 's share of vote was squeezed , dropping five points from 1987 to 18 per cent .
20 Voters were unimpressed by this pre-echo of what a decade later became known as ‘ the longest suicide note in history ’ , and in 1974 Labour suffered the largest drop in any opposition party 's share of the vote since Britain became a democracy .
21 This suggested a hung parliament with Neil Kinnock leading a minority government , and Tory campaigners are furious that the BBC did not mention the party 's share of the vote , which would have shown it performing much better than predicted .
22 In those four boroughs where no one party had overall control there was a much more pronounced rise in Labour support , with the party 's share of the vote in Wirral increasing by over 8% despite an individual poll tax figure below government estimates and average household bills less than the previous year 's rates .
23 The party 's share of the vote crawled up to barely 35 per cent , thanks largely to Lib Dem deserters .
24 So much so , that in some calculations to be made later in these pages it will be safe to assume very close coincidence between a party 's share of the list vote in a land and its proper share of the total number of MdBs elected there : the SPD 's above-mentioned 62 MdBs amounted to 43.4% of the North Rhine-Westphalia total of 143 and its list vote to 43.2% , whilst the CDU , the FOP and the Greens , with votes of 40.1% , 8.4% and 7.5% had respectively 40.6% , 8.4% and 7.7% of the MdBs .
25 At any rate , the party 's share of the vote continued its slide , giving Labour a large parliamentary majority .
26 The commission proposed further legislation , state contributions in proportion to a party 's share of votes , tax relief on membership fees and the publication of party accounts .
27 In an indication of the Socialist Party 's loss of popularity , the party 's share of the vote fell sharply in a by-election for the National Assembly and in five local council by-elections on Jan. 26 .
28 As John Stubbs has written , " that backbench activism was centred in such an essentially non-landed element of the Conservative Party tends to confirm the view that the party 's centre of gravity was increasingly urbanised , commercialised and industrialised " .
29 After some preliminary remarks about the Labour party 's support for the police , he went on to outline his opposition to the view of the riots as essentially anti-police outbursts :
30 perhaps the greatest blunder of all was the Argentine party 's support for Unión Democrática ( an alliance of the right-wing oligarchy , the conservative military and the US ambassador ) in the fight to prevent the 1946 election of Colonel Perón .
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