Example sentences of "party at the time " in BNC.

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1 In all general elections in Britain since the Second World War , polls have been conducted to estimate the state of the parties at the time , and the number of such polls continues to grow .
2 The certainty of a lease as to its continuance must be ascertainable either by the express limitation of the parties at the time the lease is made , or by reference to some collateral act which may , with equal certainty , measure the continuance of it , otherwise it is void . ’
3 Approve that the SRO is amended to provide that where a bill is paid by deduction , then either [ i ] if within a three month period following delivery of the bill written objections are made by the entitled third party or client , notice of rights under the SRO should then be given , or [ ii ] the notice of rights under the SRO must be served on all clients and entitled third parties at the time of delivery of the bill .
4 One is attempting to discover what was the intention of the parties at the time they made the contract .
5 The result reached by Nield , J , is that ‘ rent reserved ’ means ‘ the rent agreed between the parties at the time of the demise ’ .
6 Those who advocated the adoption of leases hoped , by formalising all this , to focus the minds of the parties at the time of entering into the transaction .
7 The test is one test , applied on the factors known to the parties at the time of the breach .
8 One of the circumstances which was known , or ought to have been known , to the parties at the time they were entering into the contract was that in certain circumstances the clause would clearly be unenforceable ( namely , in the area of liability for death or personal injury ) .
9 It may suit one of the parties at the time of the reference to exploit the uncertainty created by poor drafting , either by delaying matters by a construction summons ( see 8.17.7 ) or by insisting on a particular definition of the issue which is to that party 's advantage .
10 … there was , of course , a dispute between the parties at the time in question in the sense that they could not agree on the amount of the yearly rent ; but it was not a dispute in which each had formulated a view which was then placed for decision before the independent surveyor .
11 In Shell UK v Lostock Garage Ltd [ 1976 ] 1 WLR 1187 Lord Denning MR explained what he thought was meant by the proposition that reasonableness is to be considered at the time when the contract is made : If the terms impose a restraint which is unreasonable in the sense that it may work unfairly in circumstances which may reasonably be anticipated , the courts will refuse to enforce the restraint : but it will not hold it to be unenforceable simply because it might work unfairly in certain exceptional circumstances outside the reasonable expectation of the parties at the time of making the agreement .
12 However they decided the case on another basis and Pearson LJ said " it may be said in answer to the possibility of such a reductio ad absurdum , though no doubt , it has to be taken into account , is far from conclusive , because it may involve unlikely hypotheses , which would be outside the reasonable expectations of the parties at the time of the making of the contract of employment " .
13 The present Minister of Justice , Henri Nallet , was Treasurer of the Socialist Party at the time of the campaign .
14 She next rang the solicitor with whom she had called in Kilkcaldy and who was having a New Year party at the time .
15 It is believed to have been composed early in the second century , very likely by an individual who was indeed named Jude and who , together with his brother James , presided over the Nazarean party at the time .
16 Mr. Utley submits on behalf of the board that , on the true construction of section 18(1) , power to make an order for payment of costs by the board is only exercisable in favour of a person who is an unassisted party at the time when the relevant proceedings are finally decided , i.e. who is not then receiving legal aid .
17 What this shows is that the physical absence or presence of the other party at the time of the transaction by itself bears no necessary relationship to the appropriateness of the transaction being investigated and made the subject of an order by an English court .
18 What did you think about about the the Parliamentary Labour Party at the time ?
19 They had all figured prominently in the election manifesto of the Labour party at the time .
20 By the early nineteenth century , the term ‘ Boroughmonger ’ , at any rate in Scotland , had come to mean anyone who was anti-reform , and indeed the whole Tory party at the time were branded as Boroughmongers by the radical reformers .
21 and th the so called democratic , you know , choice of all these poli , all these MP 's and what not which would comprise parliament and government and head of the Tory party at the time you know i it really their voices on the , on the the cabinet you know , they were , they were just destroyed !
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