Example sentences of "party to a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Originally , the Six Clerks were supposed to be the attorneys in court of the parties to a Chancery suit .
2 Determining the parties to a treaty is usually straightforward , although there can be problems of substance and evidence .
3 Accordingly the Vienna Convention on International Organisations provides that organisations can be third parties to a treaty and defines ‘ third States ’ and ‘ third organisations ’ .
4 This draft also has a separate provision relating to the imposition of conditions by the parties to a treaty , which a third party must observe if it wishes to take advantage of the relevant right .
5 Article 60 , for example , distinguishes between all States parties to a treaty , and a State party which is ‘ specially affected ’ by a material breach by another party .
6 The parties to a treaty may utilise specific devices to bind third parties to a treaty regime or to guarantee the provisions of the treaty .
7 The parties to a treaty may utilise specific devices to bind third parties to a treaty regime or to guarantee the provisions of the treaty .
8 The Permanent Court held that although the parties to a treaty could bestow rights upon a third party there was a presumption against this , a presumption which Poland had not rebutted .
9 In Oscar Chinn Judge Schucking thought that parties to a treaty which had placed restrictions upon conflicting treaties concluded by less than the full complement of parties to the former treaty , could regard as invalid a subsequent treaty concluded by a minority to the first treaty .
10 Some of its activities have modified the understandings of the operation of the Convention , in effect constituting amendment through practice where there are no parties to a treaty in force .
11 The example illustrates the legal obstacles to parties to a treaty characterising as international waterways , areas that are not under their exclusive jurisdiction and control , rather than just making contractual commitments with respect to them .
12 If the original parties to a transaction effectively have no other outlet or source once the original contract has been awarded , and they are highly uncertain about the contemporary environment at the time when terms must be renegotiated , an organizational form ( for example a monitoring and control system ) that is tailor-made for that transaction might substantially reduce bargaining costs on each occasion when renegotiation takes place .
13 In this and in section 35 below — ‘ maintenance agreement ’ means any agreement in writing made , whether before or after the commencement of this Act , between the parties to a marriage , being —
14 ( d ) The hybrid situation It is sometimes agreed between the parties to a marriage that the matrimonial home ( or the husband 's interest therein ) be transferred to the wife and a third party ( eg a new husbandsee Chapter 5 ) .
15 Animals can not be parties to a lawsuit , or be said to be guilty , they can not be subject to the duties that attach to rights .
16 Unequal negotiating positions Where the parties to a restraint agreement are not on equal negotiating terms .
17 I suggest to the Solicitor-General that a clear intellectual distinction can be drawn between evidence that relates to those who are parties to a trial and those who are not parties to a trial .
18 I suggest to the Solicitor-General that a clear intellectual distinction can be drawn between evidence that relates to those who are parties to a trial and those who are not parties to a trial .
19 Therefore , I respectfully suggest to the Solicitor-General that a clear and simple change can be made to the law which would protect those who are not the parties to a trial — third parties outside a trial .
20 A second qualification to the basic proposition is that the parties to a contract are usually required to observe recognized standards of behaviour .
21 provides a neutral law for parties to a contract neither of whom is willing to accept the law of the other 's country ;
22 If both parties to a contract use standardization , the upshot may be a ‘ battle of the forms ’ .
23 In that regard it appears that membership of an association creates between the members close links of the same kind as those which are created between the parties to a contract and that consequently the obligations to which the national court refers may be regarded as contractual for the purpose of the application of article 5(1) of the Convention .
24 ‘ Though the parties to a contract who use the words ‘ penalty ’ or ‘ liquidated damages ’ may prima facie be supposed to mean what they say , yet the expression used is not conclusive .
25 GLIDEWELL L.J. , having reviewed the authorities , concluding with Pao On v. Lau Yiu , continued : It is true that Pao On v. Lau Yiu is a case of a tripartite relationship , that is , a promise by A to perform a pre-existing contractual obligation owed to B , in retum for a promise of payment by C. But Lord Scarman 's words seem to me to be of general application , equally applicable to a promise made by one of the original two parties to a contract .
26 To avoid such claims it is essential that all parties to a contract are fully aware of its scope and intent .
27 The case of Brownton Ltd. v Edward Moore Inbucon Ltd. [ 1985 ] provides an example of the financial implications of misunderstandings between the parties to a contract involving computer systems .
28 The answer to this is of crucial importance because of the doctrine of privity of contract ; only the parties to a contract can sue on it .
29 However , because of the doctrine of privity of contract , only the parties to a contract can sue upon it .
30 Thus , even medieval land law , although conscious of the principle that third parties to a contract can not sue or be sued upon it , recognised that the covenants in leases might have a wider operation than in ordinary contracts .
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