Example sentences of "try [to-vb] [pron] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The jousting could not be started and the close combat was soon abandoned as it had become farcical , contestants falling down when they tried to wield their weapons .
2 ‘ Well , you 'll get your chance , I hope , ’ he said wryly , and tried to flex his arms .
3 Claudia drew a deep breath and tried to steady her nerves .
4 Straining , she tried to gather her thoughts .
5 And , while Folly tried to gather her wits for a retort , he turned to the maid .
6 Corbett tried to gather his wits .
7 Though Chrysler turned them down , the size of the bids intrigued Chrysler 's management : ’ We tried to see what outsiders saw in getting more from Acustar , ’ says Mr Gerald Greenwald , Chrysler 's vice-chairman .
8 The dice players ignored him so Corbett lay on his cot bed and tried to marshall his thoughts .
9 She and Sarah tried to arrange their dates for the same evenings , so that for the rest of the week they were free to go out together .
10 She tried to meet his eyes and could n't .
11 Too late , she tried to marshal her senses , only to find they had scattered to the winds , driven by the sudden flood of desire pulsing through her body .
12 Breathing in deeply , she tried to marshal her thoughts .
13 She tried to marshal her thoughts , but they skittered wildly .
14 ‘ The government never really tried to impose its views on Scotland .
15 At half-time he tried to encourage his players by reshuffling his forwards , but they never regained their form .
16 When officials tried to eject him , Mr Gollnisch tried to punch his neighbours .
17 When officials tried to eject him , he tried to punch his neighbours .
18 As a practising manager scanning and trying to make sense of the environment surrounding my particular enterprise , I came , too , to experience a high degree of frustration with , and scepticism about , the very notion of scanning ; and great concern as to the bias that I might introduce if I tried to communicate my conclusions to others !
19 She quivered at the slide of his hand around the sensitive skin behind her ears , and tried to shake his hands off her hair without success .
20 She tried to hide her feelings by concentrating , as she had done at the Red House , on the children .
21 And however hard she tried to hide her intentions from Nils they were emblazoned around her in the electric blue of panic over the iridium crown of Steel City in the night .
22 Bush tried to hide his tears as the 160 guests burst into wild applause .
23 I tried to accept their ways and that affected me .
24 At one point , Dr Stroud had been reduced to tears as he tried to pull his gloves over his frost-bitten fingers .
25 In the early spring we received refugees of Jewish birth from Europe at the City Temple , and tried to find them homes .
26 The client should therefore be advised to present the terms clearly and legibly , and to resist the temptation to use small print , faint ink or to try to impose its terms on its trading partners by stealth .
27 My mother tried to contain her frustrations .
28 He tried to open his eyes .
29 He tried to open his eyes again .
30 European producers , denied sales across the Atlantic , may then be forced to try to sell their products to other countries within the EC , forcing prices down and driving companies already operating on tiny margins of profit into yet more serious trouble .
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