Example sentences of "try [coord] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 Her hand came up to rub her forehead to try and make her think more clearly .
2 If anything , they pulled together to try and protect her from those very failures you think hurt her so much . ’
3 ‘ We 've got to try and bring her about .
4 I 'd sent Mum to the acupuncturist to try and give her some energy , and Jack and I were in the house when we heard a terrible thud .
5 He ran to his car , calling back to Aunt Nellie as he started up the engine : ‘ Ring up the A.A. box at Begwith and tell them to try and stop her . ’
6 He quickened his pace to try and intercept her but the crowds on the pavement and the traffic on the street intervened .
7 And if not I 'll see if I can think of an excuse to try and contact her myself . ’
8 ‘ Do you think Tess would want me to try and find her ? ’
9 Considerable efforts have been made to try and trace her .
10 When I met the mother she was extremely depressed verging on suicidal and was given by the workers at the clinic a new sari to try and cheer her up .
11 The Captain was aware that at this stage she was still sufficiently frightened by what had happened to her to be hiding something , but experience told him that U would be useless to try and force her .
12 The resemblance was there , not so much in looks but in the way she held herself , the way she looked out at the world with that little smile that dared anyone to try and touch her , he thought , remembering .
13 Presumably Camb 's going to try and get her to tell him just why a seasoned driver like Fanshawe overturned his car on an empty road .
14 I want to try and get her in for er into the auctions for Wednesday .
15 So you know , I say things like oh I 'm going down to see Zoey now before dinner and like she 'll follow me down or something and I 'll say oh are you going into the saloon or like to try and get her to not come with me , then I feel so guilty I think well poor Marina , you know , she 's here in a foreign country , she has n't got any friends and she 's all by herself and I would n't like it if I was in her position
16 When she saw him do this , Melanie knew he was going to kiss her or to try and kiss her .
17 Was Elinor perhaps going to try and top her as well ?
18 After a while I decided it was best to try and help her get on better with her father , and now by interfering between them I 've been the cause of her being kidnapped .
19 They were careful to try and include her , of course .
20 We dumped Carol face down and I leaned over to try and turn her .
21 She 's knows you 'll try and lift her .
22 Isabella perceives clearly the game Angelo is playing : here she is angry and frustrated — do n't try and make her too ‘ nice ’ a character .
23 Think I was gon na try , try and make her some .
24 He made one as if he should try and comfort her , but turned away , walked upstage and on the balcony with his back to the audience , raised his arms widely only to drop them helplessly .
25 I 'm gon na try and leave her here !
26 I suppose they might try and sellotape her to the walls of their cells .
27 I 'll have a word with her when she 's awake , she 's still on a third dream I should think at the moment but she 's er , certainly good talking , I could , I could try and get her without her knowing about it and see what happens , just dinner time I 'll take it down and try it , oh you 're gon na take it round Steve 's ai n't you ?
28 Lawton shuffled uneasily , but did n't try and contradict her or go back on his description .
29 I did try and help her about how to run a war because it 's such a long time since anybody 's run a war — I mean the technical methods of running a war — which she did very well .
30 I know but I was gon na try and catch her on her dinner or something .
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