Example sentences of "try [coord] [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 So Malcolm went down Club Row market and bought us a cat and the most ridiculously horrible food — tins of sardines and those disgusting tinned plum tomatoes they used to try and make you eat at school .
2 Well there are one or two other things we can do to try and make you feel better er even if the , the hands are n't the principle cause er I think we 'll see what happens , work your chest out of the way first though .
3 That was why I kept pushing you and provoking you — to try and make you spit it out .
4 and just the , the part here , I mean this , this I do n't know if it 's right or if it 's wrong but when you said I wan na put twenty quid towards my children 's future perhaps the way I would see is I , I would think twenty quid 'll go nowhere for their future , it 's gon na be a lot more expensive so as you 're openly offering me to take the money off you for that I would have perhaps gone down to try and commit you towards that need there and then to see how important it is and then , because when I er eventually bring back erm the sort of agenda and say look it 's gon na cost you a hundred and twenty quid a month erm you 're sort of sold on the idea .
5 And what they do , I 'm going to try and show you on this doll in a minute , the hips are abducted which means they 're brought right up against the chest and then they 're pulled round and they 're rotated in the socket and you feel and listen for a click
6 ‘ I hope you do n't think I would use what happened the other night in any way to try and influence you .
7 Ma'am , sir I should say , erm Mr makes certain comments about there are doubts about whether this scheme will go forward , we have been in contact with Department of Transport , again to try and give you the correct factual position .
8 It is not for the likes of us to try and tell you your job , after all , you are the boss and it is your decision as to who gets in the squad , but when rubbish like Terry becomes a regular , well … it reflects on the whole team and your lousy judgement in particular .
9 Punc punctuation do you want to try and do you want to just write it down .
10 Your father asked me to try and talk you out of this engagement , to try and find out what you felt about this boy .
11 I would n't like to try and say you you 're not good enough , go away and live somewhere else , I think that 's .
12 Colleagues , just to try and let you know what , er I 've got in my mind concerning the business that 's fell off the agenda yesterday and today so far .
13 But it is just to try and ask you to think ways in which you could help in this particular way in whichever way there is .
14 Honestly , girl , if you only knew where I 'd been to try and find you ! ’
15 I went there to try and find you to see if you knew anything about Oliver , but you 'd already left .
16 ‘ On Thursday morning , when I realised I was going to have to go away urgently on business , I came into the shop to try and find you .
17 What 's more , as soon as he heard of your problem , Direct Delivery 's manager immediately visited your home and , although it was agreed that the damage was purely accidental , as an act of goodwill toured the shops in Lisburn to try and find you a replacement .
18 Windows covered in prices , lots of talk about discounts , vouchers , all sorts of things to try and get you to part with your money .
19 If we 'd just attacked they 'd have killed you immediately , so I thought it best to try and get you to a safer distance before anything happened . ’
20 and take an extra dose at night to try and get you into a sleep so we can get you back into sleeping rather than up prowling about during the night , cos it does no good at all .
21 Cos I want to try and get you know things sorted out round there .
22 runs well it 's so easy for other groups to , to try and get you to help them out .
23 Hopeless to try and impress you with my slender collection of classical music .
24 For our event at Crystal Palace this year we plan to change the format to try and encourage you all to come along in droves !
25 PP : You had every right to retire if you wanted to , but of course we also had the right to try and persuade you not to .
26 I appreciate obviously tonight we have are not not gon na carried today but nonetheless it is something that we believe in very firmly and I hope we have the opportunity to try and persuade you otherwise at some other time .
27 The Occupational Therapist is there to try and help you find a solution to your problem .
28 Valda having provided the introduction , I was of course quite delighted to try and help you with names and contacts the other day on the telephone , and note that you will supply me with a strictly personal and confidential copy at the conclusion of your endeavours and I appreciate this VERY much !
29 That 's , that 's , yeah that 's the special edition which is the one er just , you know , to try and help you sell better and that 's the , that 's the other possibility , the
30 I think , Bill , really you far be it for me to try and teach you your job , but you ought to have perhaps gone back a little bit and wondered why we were all in this position , because you have us in year after year talking about budgets that are made and budgets which improve services , and and we need to be absolutely clear that this budget does not improve services at all , that this budget does very severe damage to services , that the budget that has gone through the Council identifies nearly eight million pounds taken off service provision erm and that can not be done under the Conservatives by making erm a budget with the Liberal Democrats have proved that it ca n't be done , in spite of their previous comments , without pain to services .
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