Example sentences of "try [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He even tried sneaking back to the library at night , thinking the Bookman might appear after dark , but had to stop this when he backed into Mr Crangle , who was up to the same thing .
2 In public , people tried to carry on with their lives , while at home they were starting to prepare for what was to come .
3 I tried to sit down on the bed and wait .
4 As Fraser tried to drive out of the car park one of the men tried to prise open the sunroof of his car , then kicked the side of it , causing dents in the driver 's side wing and door .
5 Perching on the remains of a brick wall , she tried to go back over everything that had happened since Leo had arrived .
6 they tried to go out for a meal , I do n't know whether it was christmas day or boxing day down in and they could n't get n in nowhere , I said well you would n't on a boxing day !
7 These days , it seemed to Celia that she was continually saying yes or no , as she tried to go along with whatever Brian or Miss Maynard said .
8 She tried to grin back at him , but suddenly , unaccountably , her teeth were chattering and she gave an enormous , involuntary shudder .
9 She knew it would be tantamount to suicide to try to go in through the open doorway so she made her way cautiously around the side of the building , careful to duck low enough under the shattered windows to avoid detection .
10 Exhilarated Ian wanted to try walking back without the balancing pole .
11 It was known that the financial controls within the industry left a good deal to be desired , but when the new Minister of Fuel and Power , Aubrey Jones , tried to tighten up in 1956 ( even beginning the publication of annual investment targets in a bid to increase the Boards ' commitment to them ) , he found it was not easy to impose such discipline when his target was fixed unreasonably low , as the Boards assured him it was .
12 Indeed , quite early on , I tried to work out in my mind what it was that made his personality ( though he did not like the word ) so compelling ; and I came to the conclusion that it was because he did not let me down in my own estimation of him .
13 Whether she would in fact have opened the door and tried to jump out of a moving vehicle proved to be an academic question .
14 It was England who crept off , licked their wounds , and tried to come up with all sorts of weird and wonderful reasons for us beating them .
15 To try to meet up with the real thing .
16 The goal came as City tried to struggle through with 10 men while Rick Holden was having four stitches in a mouth wound after colliding with team-mate Terry Phelan .
17 She tried to catch up with the machine , but she did n't want to attract any undue attention from the IMC troopers , and the thing seemed determined to ignore her .
18 The answer is that if we find the present state of affairs unsatisfactory , we have an obligation to try to come up with something better .
19 Mr Consey told The Art Newspaper , ‘ We are going to try to come up with a modified plan whereby overflow parking may be off-site .
20 It has n't changed but as we said on Friday morning the D of E amongst others have sugg er expressed a view that the panel ought to try to come up with a general location if we can .
21 He wanted to roar out James 's name , his own name , to scream for help , he tried to pull up on the sill but his fingers scrabbled uselessly and he dropped back .
22 Bearing all this in mind , it may be helpful to those who are still open to suggestions to try to work out with them some very simple menus for a seven-day period ; meals which will suit their pocket , entail little expenditure of energy , but at the same time cover all their basic dietary requirements , and which can be made tasty and interesting by the addition of some of the sauces , seasonings , and flavourings will which you can supply them .
23 They can hold the dog , as it is likely to try to leap out of the bath .
24 On my return to London I tried to find out about the Ober Gabelhorn but there was little information readily available , apart from a couple of references to it as one of the great alpine peaks .
25 He never knew what these special things were and tried to find out by sneaking down there at night , but the shed door was always locked .
26 Goodman tried to find out by demanding to know how many refugee children had been baptised since they had arrived in this country .
27 Alice even tried to find out from Muriel what Jasper 's plans might be , but as soon as Muriel heard Jasper 's name , she said briskly that in her opinion Andrew was " basically " a sound and useful cadre .
28 Some survivors from ‘ dive-in ’ accidents have confirmed that they knew it was useless to try to pull out of the dive while they could ‘ feel ’ the glider was still stalled .
29 He felt himself to be so uneducated that it seemed hopeless even to try to catch up with the ordinary things that people knew .
30 It would be possible to deduce what will happen to this market if the rival builds a larger plant to try to catch up with your experience and at what level you need to price to try to prevent that .
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