Example sentences of "never [v-ing] [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Coleen listened to his amorous overtures of love never doubting his sincerity , but she still wanted to be sure and she tried to gently tell him so ; she had to be sure before she said ‘ yes ’ .
2 When he worked at night he prepared properly , never allowing his vision to become impaired in any way .
3 Getting on in years , he might well have considered the possibility of never seeing his homeland again .
4 So how could he not be far more upset than he would admit at the thought of the gap it would leave in his life and the prospect of probably never seeing his father again ?
5 She made strenuous efforts to tame her behaviour when she was indoors , never rattling her earrings during Mass , nor racing along the stone corridors as if they were open fields .
6 Dot sat herself cross-legged on the bed and watched him perched on the chair by the window , blinking and twitching and fidgeting but never looking her way , then seeming to fall asleep and looking quite young , younger than Mr Brown anyhow , and certainly not at all like Sally 's dad who 'd been to Burma and eaten rats .
7 His eyes kept looking away over one of my shoulders or the other , never meeting my gaze , and I got the impression that like his wife he was constantly waiting for something important to happen , expecting someone to arrive at any moment , as though they both could n't believe what had happened and it was all a dream or a ghastly joke and they were just waiting for Clare to come gangling through the front door , kicking off muddy green wellies and loudly demanding tea .
8 We all lived on top of each other and at any time one of us was probably irritated in some way by one of the others , but Tom seemed to hold on to it for a long time , never expressing his resentment until he just flipped into despising somebody .
9 In all this , as in everything else in their lives , you can help them best by listening with patience and sympathy , never dismissing their anxieties — however unreasonable they may seem to be — simply by telling them not to worry because you will always see that they are all right .
10 They begged him to desist , in order to give them some words of edification , and for two consecutive hours he proceeded to give them excellent exhortations , while at the same time never ceasing his writing — and all the while what he was writing was not the same as what he was speaking .
11 From then until 1980 he commuted between the two , never disappointing his admirers , from Cardinal Bellarmin in Galileo ( 1980 ) to Perchikhin in The Philistines ( 1986 ) .
12 He scooped it out and moved on , never breaking his rhythm , the expression on his face never changing , like a robot pre-programmed to perform this sequence of movements until someone clicked the ‘ Off ’ switch .
13 He did not do himself justice in 1991 , never getting his timing right in his early-season preparations any more than he did on the golf course .
14 He hated her way of alluding to Jean but never saying her name .
15 To Harriet Sally had become a surrogate mother and after she had married Hugo that position had been strengthened so that Harriet had felt secure and loved , never questioning her importance to the people who were important to her .
16 He walked fast through the streets , never losing his way even in the darkest places .
17 And yet in the intensity of their feeling , mixed with memories of early youth , there is a beauty — and the author has spared them sordidness , one feels , by never letting their love run its full course .
18 Helen , never taking her eyes off Alexandra , craned sideways so that she could wind a finger round and round in a hole in her black stocking .
19 Tricia backed her way out , never taking her eyes off me or letting her bearings slip .
20 Hazel , never taking his eyes off it , heard three or four of the others coming up behind him .
21 Never taking his eyes from her , Gregson slipped out the photo of Paula Wilson and quickly explained the reason for his and Finn 's presence , enquiring whether or not the face in the monochrome picture rang any bells .
22 ‘ There 's nothing we can do , ’ he told her tonelessly , never taking his eyes from that small shape .
23 For Shrewsbury certainly brought the lady from Wales , and in Shrewsbury she has done wonders , never renouncing their devotion to her .
24 It was only when she ceased her household duties , refused to cook and clean , refused herself to eat , and went and sat day after day in the park , never changing her clothes , and wandering about with plastic bags full of old newspapers , that anyone took notice .
25 I had a lot of spare time , and from leading a steady life in my bedroom with my radio , and with my parents downstairs , I now wandered among different houses and flats carrying my life-equipment in a big canvas bag and never washing my hair .
26 Never valuing him enough to be jealous , never arriving suddenly to catch him out , never finding his mail interesting enough to steam open !
27 In 89 , a poem of infidelity ( ‘ Say that thou didst forsake me for some fault ’ ) , the Poet abases himself , vowing to perform all kinds of penance in order to win the Friend back , including never mentioning his name again in case he ‘ haply of our old acquaintance tell ’ : it is over , in the past .
28 He took her hand and raised it to his lips , his eyes never leaving her face .
29 ‘ Yes , you do , ’ he replied , his gaze never leaving her face .
30 He nodded thoughtfully , his eyes never leaving her face .
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