Example sentences of "never [vb past] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I never 'ad a French lady lodger before — mind , it 's four shillings a week , being a nice large front room with a comfortin' bed and an 'andsome fireplace . ’
2 I never met a queer yet who could n't be fixed by a sock in the jaw . ’
3 When d' you meet any real people apart from those limousine sharks and cordless telephone freaks who never met an ordinary person , do n't know any ordinary people : how they live , we live , nor how we die , I mean how they die . ’
4 The Wall itself never became a complete line of defences .
5 As a result , although his club was one of the first to develop Smiley culture , much to his relief Danny never became a tabloid Mr Big .
6 His boyhood feats set the pace for a long and successful career as an international grandmaster , but , though he scored some spectacular defeats , Reshevsky never became a close challenger for the world championship .
7 As an operating system the canals never became a large-scale employer like the railway companies , whose " servants " as well as engineers and trackmen on the " permanent way " included the new " uniformed working class " .
8 Spectator sport may have been partially commercialized but it never became a capitalist leisure enterprise .
9 The rival claims of the two departments never became a contentious matter among the ‘ boy labour ’ group of reformers , though the majority appear to have favoured the Board of Trade .
10 Burgess was lonely and bored , missed his bohemian life in Soho , never attempted to learn Russian , and never became a Russian citizen .
11 He sat as one of the justices of King 's Bench in Easter term 1271 but never became a regular justice of the court .
12 Unlike the role it played in the IFL , political anti-semitism never became a total ideological explanation of all the imagined ills of British society for most of the official leadership of the BUF , though there were obvious exceptions like William Joyce and some of the speakers he trained for the East End campaign of 1935 — 7 .
13 For although his daughter Maire never became a top ballet star she is a member of a highly successful family band .
14 For this reason , Mayall 's dominance was confined to the spinning sector of south-east Lancashire , and his firm never became a conspicuous leader of the cotton industry in the manner of Horrockses of Preston or Rylands of Manchester .
15 Even then Chaplin avoided being too socially specific , for over and above this there was his own never quite fully adult quality and his essential reliance on mime technique and silence which ensured that he remained a fairy-tale symbol and never became a real-life person .
16 And it never became an authentic co-operative .
17 Certainly he never became an outstanding dancer , but as a performer he did have a feeling for movement and character that enabled him to make a theatrical impact in some roles not needing much technique or classical style .
18 I 'm covered in a fine glossy sheen of drying mud so maybe they never got a good grip in the first place .
19 ARSENAL manager George Graham last night sold Perry Groves to Southampton and said : ‘ He never got a fair deal from the fans . ’
20 Unlike Mary Robinson , President of the Republic of Ireland , she never made a single major public declaration which addressed itself principally to women 's concerns , or recognised the need to release women 's energies and potential .
21 Western leftists wax indignant about the eastern Europeans ' refusal to differentiate between a democratic socialism and Stalinism , when they themselves never drew a clear line .
22 Well well let's face it , one of the girls I used to work with going up , she never used a ordinary oven .
23 The flared ones I do n't , I c never seen a like smart , the tight ones
24 He never caught a single credible Communist .
25 Catherine 's problem was that she was an extremely clever woman with a real talent for mysticism , but she never found a spiritual director who was either intelligent or knowledgeable enough to control her and lead her beyond this perilous psychic hinterland .
26 We 'd talked about a heart-lung transplant , and he was on the list , but they never found a suitable match .
27 So Lady , we 've never found any gentlemen old enough to play old William because he was in his seventies at this time , we never found an old gentleman play William , Robert Hardy 's not quite old enough .
28 In all the years that The End magazine was printed in Liverpool , we never received a single letter about ‘ trainers ’ in America , but we did get hundreds about the training shoes the different football crews were wearing .
29 This first , troubled venture into Anglo-Swedish films was completed , but it never received a British release .
30 Well the , the , the , the , the sort of , the sort of background as I have seen it he never struck me as being particularly clever or bright it 's just that he always seemed to be very well taught and academically successful and exams never seemed an undue problem , and so he went off to Wolverhampton Poly which he selected for , you know , all the usual reasons , reasonable place , reasonable course , a reasonable this a reasonable that , tt erm to do computer science which of course all the kids want to do now erm twentieth centu no it is n't it 's a sort of nineteen eighties version of wanting to be an engine driver is n't it ?
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