Example sentences of "never [vb pp] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Fonda read aloud a page of words to her and though his wife had never joined him in his LSD excursions , and marijuana made her sick , she understood from her husband 's descriptions of expanded-mind experiences and images the intensity of his feelings .
2 Kenny Doyle , the twenty-eight-year-old barman at the Rollercoaster , knew her real age but that had never stopped him from serving her a drink .
3 Curiously , Branson did not dislike McLaren — Malcolm 's transparently roguish charm made him hard to dislike — but he had never trusted him from the day they had first shaken hands in Leslie Hill 's office and McLaren had failed to arrive at the Virgin offices ; failed to keep his promise .
4 She had never visited him in Oxford before ; he had not been alone with her for years — not since the war , not since London .
5 I have been a personal friend for many years , but that has never prevented him from criticising my colleagues and myself whenever he felt it necessary to do so .
6 I even know , thanks to Montesquieu , that one may be a Persian , but as for Man , I declare that I have never met him in my life ; if he exists it is without my knowledge.1
7 ‘ Are you sure you 've never seen him since , Bridget ? ’
8 I have never seen him at the Council of Europe and I serve on the social , health and family affairs committee , which he has never attended .
9 Bamber Gascoigne , who had never seen him at work before his show , told me : ‘ He was absolutely wonderful in it .
10 Never seen him without his crash helmet on ; could be an albino or a Rastafarian for all he knew .
11 She had never seen him with his hair cut short , and the absence of the red-blond locks made him for a moment unrecognisable .
12 She had never seen him with an umbrella before .
13 Aye never they never seen him after .
14 She had never seen him in this mood before , but the expression on his face was familiar .
15 ‘ Do you know , ’ she said , ‘ I have never seen him in this room .
16 Patrick stripped off and changed quickly , trying to ignore Joseph Hyde 's too intense stare ; he had long suspected his friend 's preferences for young men — although to be perfectly fair , he had never seen him in any company other than those who supported the Irish movement .
17 In all the time he had know Joe , he had never seen anyone else in his room ; indeed he had never seen him in company , except at the meetings of the IRB .
18 She had never seen him in such a rage .
19 I 'd never seen him in anything as soft-looking , as human as the pair of scruffy trousers , open-necked shirt and dressing-gown he wore then .
20 I 've never seen him in a flap , or anything less than pleasant whether dealing with an actor who 's completely shaved his head only a few days before shooting a strict continuity commercial , or calming down the ‘ real ’ Rene Goodman who has rung the Sun to complain that the latest BT commercial takes her name in vain , and people keep asking if she 's getting divorced .
21 ‘ I wish I 'd never employed him in the first place ! ’
22 I 've never known him in such a huff .
23 I 've never asked him to be faithful to me .
24 If he 's trusted me I 've never asked him to , and I 've never promised him fealty .
25 ‘ I wish to hell I 'd never sent him to your school . ’
26 In their four meetings she had never questioned him about his job , had seldom mentioned the power station except , as on this afternoon , to complain half seriously that it spoilt the view .
27 Mother had never mentioned him by name but had been overly gushing , always a sign that she did n't like someone .
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