Example sentences of "never [vb pp] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'd never clapped eyes on the guy before , ’ said a stunned Foulds .
2 ‘ I 'd never clapped eyes on the guy before , ’ said a stunned Foulds .
3 This policeman was having to give evidence and he 'd come to talk , oh I see you 've had the baby , cos he was talking to me it had happened I said , oh what did you have blah blah blah , blah blah blah , but the little devil went in the witness box , he denied about not being there on duty about putting his mac on , ooh and he 'd never clapped eyes on barrister or a solicitor and they said he 'll meet you before the case , so we had to go extra early meet this barrister and he never came and so they took us in this little room in all his wig and his gown , we got , oh what happened ?
4 He maintained he had never received replies to letters or acknowledgement of seeds but the dispatch of the eighth edition of the Dictionary ( April 1768 ) awaited direction and then , with an unusually personal note , he excuses himself , ‘ … having had the misfortune to dislocate the ankelbone of my leg above a year and a half since gone … confinement and want of usual exercise has brought many maladies upon me , but I am in hope of proper remedies to prolong life a little longer . ’
5 Her imagination had never painted pictures like this , though , and she stole another glance at the man who held the plane steadily on its course as Mitch took his shots .
6 Frequently he paused to inspect his tail as though he had never heard noises like that before .
7 Orkney Islands Council have never developed guidelines of their own .
8 Before without really knowing it , I was just preparing for that one lesson to get through that one lesson , but partly I think as a matter of survival in this situation , because I had never taught children before and really did n't have an overview at that point .
9 One of the workers and one of the women , who 's never attended meetings of any kind before living in the refuge , want to go .
10 We have never accepted presents from the government .
11 yeah , I could n't believe it I mean you go back five years he 'd never done things like that , he erm , missed the most easiest reds and left it right over the pocket and then Stephen Hendry went on and cleared up the whole frame , got a break of over a hundred
12 They 're l lead men you know and he has er painted this and it must be something to do with these men but these drawings now , I 've never seen drawings like them
13 She 'd never seen swings like them before or since — wooden boats painted bright yellow with curlicues of red and green , where two of you sat facing each other and pulled alternately on ropes to swing yourselves higher and higher .
14 There were about two hundred and fifty cadets in residence and some of them had never seen cadets from another corps .
15 ‘ I ent never seen cakes like that afore , ’ said George .
16 I ai n't never seen jewels like that before . ’
17 The birds were n't anything he knew and he 'd never seen toadstools like that with spots on .
18 I have never seen men in such high spirits . ’
19 ‘ Do you think , ’ said Bishop Jon , ‘ that your husband and his forefathers have never seen storms before and do n't know what standing orders to give ?
20 Evidently Francis had never made advances to his cousin .
21 Families such as the Gardners , on the other hand , never made links with outside interests but confined their activities to the moving of boats along the river .
22 I 've never had difficulties about Colin sleeping with other people .
23 so I 'd never had blokes in my class , it was really really weird
24 This is now part of the Roman Catholic rite , which has never had problems of rampant tuberculosis because of the cup .
25 Bessie 's opinions on how babies should be cared for were given freely to Carrie and duly ignored by the young mother , who was aware that Bessie had never had children of her own .
26 Funny , cos we 've never had cows in there .
27 Perhaps it would have been better for the apple if it had never had ideas above its station , if it had never started carrying around so much symbolic baggage .
28 The magazine described Mr Donovan as the boy with bleached hair , although the actor told the court he had never used chemicals on his hair — ‘ just lemon juice in the sun sometimes ’ .
29 The magazine described Mr Donovan as the boy with bleached hair , although the actor told the court he had never used chemicals on his hair — ‘ just lemon juice in the sun sometimes ’ .
30 But Oliver never played things by the rules .
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