Example sentences of "never [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Waugh perceived a resemblance between the two books himself , and in his letter to Orwell on Nineteen Eighty-Four he reproached him in a jibe as potent as any he ever made to friend or enemy : ‘ Men who love a crucified God need never think of torture as all-powerful . ’
2 Frequently couples at their golden wedding celebration will say something to the effect of ‘ we made it a point never to go to bed angry ’ .
3 When I reached home , my wife made me promise never to go to sea again , and I thought my adventures had come to an end .
4 People who work in insurance never suffer from stress ?
5 Among names that immediately spring to mind are those of Sydney Schanberg , the former New York Times correspondent who was in Phnom Penh at the time of the fall , and whose subsequent search for his Cambodian assistant , Dith Pran , was documented in Roland Joffé 's film The Killing Fields , who arrived in Indo- China at the age of 21 and was there from 1970 to mid-1975 , first with Agence France Presse , then as a stringer for The Sunday Times — when all the other journalists were getting out , Swain was either brave or foolhardy enough to fly back into Phnom Penh in time for its fall ; William Shawcross who , along with many others , covered the Vietnam war for The Sunday Times and who subsequently became obsessed with the fate of Cambodia , an obsession that resulted first in Sideshow , which exposed the role of Nixon and Kissinger , and then in The Quality of Mercy , a study of the work of the Red Cross in Cambodia ; John Pilger , the British-based Australian journalist whose work on Cambodia may have had little concrete effect but has at least helped to ensure that the tragic country will never disappear into oblivion ; Philip Caputo , who went initially to Vietnam in March 1965 as a 23-year-old Marine officer with the first US combat group sent to Indo-China and returned in 1975 as a correspondent to report on what was left of the war .
6 " The precise point which was never treated in detail was the degree of imminence of the admittedly forthcoming dissolution of Turkey " .
7 He never goes on patrol .
8 He never does interviews and he never goes on telly .
9 And er I have in there one of the great cyclist , he cycles all over the country , he 's gone from John O' Groats down the other way and across the opposite way , he cycles everywhere , he never goes in car he always cycles everywhere he goes .
10 It was rumoured that banknotes were never withdrawn from circulation but simply frayed away .
11 A Home Office spokesman said : ‘ It is an internal document and was never intended for publication .
12 The Video book was never intended for broadcast ; it is made from library film footage transferred to disc and tape for video issue , and aimed at the relatively limited number of people who will want to buy or hire it .
13 He never asked for money .
14 He never asked for forgiveness .
15 And why had she and Dionne never fallen In Love ?
16 Because she 'd never fallen in love , the head-over-heels , with-all-your-heart kind of love that made a woman 's world centre on one man for the rest of her life .
17 Unless you drive everywhere at less than 40mph and never sit in traffic jams , the record-breaking 112mpg is as achievable as drying flowers underwater .
18 By the time Tiare was ten , her mother made the girl promise never to marry until she was at least nineteen , telling her that hasty love affairs never led to happiness .
19 He never peed in front of other men .
20 it 's one I 've never heard of prosperity
21 In any case , it is too difficult for me , and I wish I had been a movie comedian or something of the sort and had never heard of physics ’ .
22 Has he never heard of vivisection ?
23 I had never heard of river engineers until one morning a very harassed engineer rang to ask me to persuade the lady in question not to tie herself to the ancient pollard which he intended to fell .
24 To my surprise , she had never heard of harvest festivals .
25 ‘ Maybe you 've never heard of Plan Z ?
26 ‘ Have you never heard of bastard lines ?
27 I 'd never heard of work till that moment , and there I was thinking of myself dressed in trousers and sitting at a desk with a ledger .
28 Because er as far as I 'd concerned I 'd never heard of air raids before hand you know , know I had n't and I was , as I say , I was only nine and a half I know but er , I did use to speak to a lot more people than most , er lads of that age did like , you know .
29 Above all , it is sad that so many educated people have hardened themselves against science , because if they had not , and if instead of floundering historians who have never heard of Joseph Priestley and Erasmus Darwin , and effete scholars of English who have never heard of history , we had Renaissance men , then science might be more controllable , more easily and naturally directed to the fulfilment of human aims : an agent of democracy rather than ( as it so often has been ) of rule by military or commercial despotism .
30 If I did not add this information , I felt I should be told that he had never heard of M. Guérigny .
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