Example sentences of "as much as a " in BNC.

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1 In terms of the acceptance of law and order , the bulk of the catholic — nationalist remnant form a part of the civil society of Northern Ireland , though as much as a third of the remnant can defect from this consensus , as when supporting the Provisionals over the ‘ H ’ -Block prison issue .
2 Not bad for a car which weighs as much as a Range Rover .
3 The land revenue tax ( at first as much as a third of a peasant 's gross yearly produce ) had to be paid no matter how bad the harvest or how impoverished the family became as a result .
4 Fluid intake too , in the form of wine , beer , spirits , and a cup of tea , serves a social role as much as a biological one .
5 For such people the European identity is a threat as much as a promise .
6 A 4-megabit chip ought to sell for five times as much as a 1-megabit device , the price premium justified by the smaller space and lower power needed to provide four times the amount of memory .
7 Not as much as a secondhand Union Jack left . ’
8 Soon , all twenty children were in their beds , stiff in their laundered nightgowns , without having been offered any supper , nor even as much as a sly sip of water .
9 You know he 's a farmer as much as a singer ?
10 To become a sensory square it can need a reduction of as much as a twentieth in its height .
11 Fortnightly [ Review ] hashed up ’ ; the third was a minister who ‘ dresses himself as much as a Church … parson as possible , as much as possible copies the ritual of the Establishment , and poses almost as a full-blown priest ’ .
12 Without ever themselves having had as much as a picture postcard to sell , they feel entitled to criticise both the dead peer and his widow for having disposed of some of the contents of Althorp .
13 His style lends itself to much deadpan humour : when describing the old custom of cutting the cake by breaking it over the bride 's head , he does it without as much as a wink .
14 Intimidating , but not as much as a first meeting with the famous former amateur captain , Brian Sellars , who gave a severe look and a scornful : ‘ Na'then , you little Welsh bastard . ’
15 Each child born in the industrialised world consumes between 20 and 40 times as much as a child living in one of the poorer countries .
16 She would cut off her right arm and give it to him if he came over with as much as a single bag .
17 In Cumbria , said Redfern , the ‘ height increment [ growth ] does appear to have fallen off markedly since about 1975/6 … down as much as a quarter in recent years . ’
18 We should have gone there this coming Saturday , but may be as much as a week late .
19 Paul Guillaume considered Modi a poet as much as a painter and remembered two improvised rhymes :
20 But even a craft workshop can require car-parks , loading bays and improved access , all of which can change the character of the place as much as a residential conversion .
21 One solution is to set the glass back as much as a foot and to use thick , matured timber mullions to break up the surface .
22 Thus a paediatrician is paid almost twice as much as a general practitioner for each patient that he sees , but less than a general physician , who is given twice as much as a dermato-venereologist .
23 Thus a paediatrician is paid almost twice as much as a general practitioner for each patient that he sees , but less than a general physician , who is given twice as much as a dermato-venereologist .
24 Waves can not exceed a seventh of their length in height without breaking ; but they can stretch to as much as a thousand feet .
25 Then he called for the caskets of gold in which was the balsam and the myrrh which the Soldan of Persia had sent him ; and when these were put before him he bade them bring him the golden cup , of which he was wont to drink ; and he took of that balsam and of that myrrh as much as a little spoon-full , and mingled it in the cup with rose-water and drank of it ; and for the seven days which he lived he neither ate nor drank aught else than a little of that myrrh and balsam mingled with water .
26 A relief as much as a pleasure to see him emerge with credit , both as director and performer .
27 The price of a full season ticket was going to be as much as a term 's school fees , and when I saw my father 's horrified face , I said , ‘ I can cycle . ’
28 of the total grassland area occurs in large blocks in the main river valleys and levels , and perhaps nearly as much as a continuous band along the north scarp of the Downs which is too steep to plough .
29 Trax costs about twice as much as a conventional walkway .
30 A laser produces a beam which is easier to focus into a monomode fibre because its light does not spread in frequency as much as a LED .
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