Example sentences of "over to [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , in order to sway you over to their way of thinking , Peterson might paraphrase the old adage and say , ‘ Look after the cents and the dollars will take care of themselves … ’
2 That spilled over to their behaviour towards the match officials .
3 Now , as from the times of childhood , she rode Fenna , seated in the deep hollow of the meeting place of scaled neck , veined wing and rising battlement of spine ; a throne protected from the great gale of his flight , as safe as the rocky cradle secures the foetal child , leaning back towards the bumpy spine as she had leant before , she gave herself over to their journey .
4 So whoever got the bike now still have n't changed the log book over to their name .
5 Darlington people will be able to hand their goods over to their milkman on collection days until March 6 .
6 But his handling of the industry portfolio incurred the wrath of industry leaders who appear to have won the president over to their side ( New Scientist 10 March , p 646 ) .
7 As in Wales , the crowds complained when Prince Charles went over to their side of the street during a walkabout .
8 Whatever the tactics used , it soon appeared that the men were having some success in winning women over to their side in other firms as well .
9 The Soviets , with control of the eastern zone , could pose as the champions of German reunification and try to win West Germans over to their side .
10 The guerrillas are well disciplined , and intent on winning villagers over to their cause .
11 It 'll be harder to get to the villa in some respects because Val and John , Val , Val 's husband 's retiring in July , he suffers with his dreadful headache , and they 're going to spend ninety per cent of their time in Spain , but she did say whenever I want to go , as long as I let them know they 'll come home cos they 're gon na buy a house in Chesterfield and er she said whenever we wan na go , they 'll come back over to their house in Chesterfield , so , we
12 Then Gina came over to their table .
13 In the break , a large sandy-haired young man in a black leather jacket came over to their table .
14 She got up , went over to their table with the half-smoked stub , and said in her best BBC voice : " Excuse me , but I wonder whether you could possibly let me have a light ?
15 Now that the women were by themselves , the man whom Penelope had noticed staring at Ianthe seemed to pluck up courage to come over to their table .
16 They were just finishing their lunch and Barton chose this moment to walk over to their table .
17 Teeth flashing very white in his mahogany , sweat-beaded face , he ran lightly over to talk to the band and Tara came barefoot over to their table .
18 And then Pepe himself came over to their table .
19 It is too complicated to send large numbers of bills over to their accountant every day .
20 This shrub bed was a full sixty yards from where they now stood , but just over half that distance from the treeline away over to their left .
21 As for castrating the piglets , it 's done in a second and they 're passed over to their mother without a clue that their whole lifestyle has been changed . ’
22 They are then sent to the Embassy maintained in the state of destination which conveys them to the External Affairs Ministry of that state , which will pass them over to its Ministry of Justice to be sent down to the appropriate local agency for delivery to the addressee .
23 Lotus Development Corp has lured Cognos Inc president Jeffrey Papows over to its side to run its Notes Division as vice-president , a newly created post reporting to John Landry and June Rokoff who head the company 's development programme ; meanwhile Unix veteran Larry Crume , who had been running Lotus 's mobile computing interests , has been re-assigned to run the cc:Mail line .
24 Sequent suggests giving away LAN Manager with NT as one option for Microsoft to get to bring personal computer users over to its networking solution and therefore to NT .
25 Balliol also agreed to repay Edward for the help he had given in preparing the expedition by handing over to him land worth £2,000 a year to be selected from those parts of Scotland adjacent to England : in effect , the southern counties of Scotland were to be permanently ceded to England .
26 It is funny because their lives have crossed over to what mine used to be .
27 Maggie rushed over to her sister , and they fell into one another 's arms .
28 Somehow , she had a need to know all she could about him — and in there lay the conflict — because whatever she would have asked , or learned , was not for any write-up which she might hand over to her sister for her use , but was private and personal , and for her alone .
29 With absolutely no respect for Charity 's privacy , Mandy waltzed over to her wardrobe and began rummaging around in it .
30 ‘ T' Brownies laid yum acrost t' river one night long ago so'as an old farmwife who 'd been kind to yum could get over to her daughter 's house on t' other side without goin' miles a-down t' river t' bridge . ’
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