Example sentences of "over [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We fought over scraps of flesh and gristle as if the economy was a rotting carcass .
2 The privatization which handed over administration of benefit payments to employers was the brainchild of Sir Norman do I need to say more ?
3 Key-noters clash over future of industry .
4 6 Dust with icing sugar and sprinkle over lines of cinnamon in the shape of a cross .
5 It is remarkable how few candidates one might be prepared to cross over lines of party loyalty to support .
6 We assessed the situation , our snowy hair dripping over cups of tea , Having endured a night on the train , the purgatory of the road and now this , we felt obliged ‘ to be at one with the mountain ’ , and were soon following the pylons of a ski tow en route for Loch Avon and the Shelter Stone .
7 They were in the kitchen , sitting over cups of coffee , reluctant to move to do the washing up .
8 Czech and Slovak Republics argue over ownership of art
9 In this case , Sheila might not agree to Mark 's removal , but she might compromise over periods of respite care with his grandmother , which would satisfy the paediatrician 's concerns .
10 A regular attender at body-building clubs , Ricky kept himself in good shape and his hair blond ( ‘ you were falling over bottles of peroxide at every corner , ’ Leslie Todd-Reeve recalled ) .
11 As a unionist with very good reason for having the warmest of feelings towards Scotland , may I ask my right hon. Friend to make it absolutely clear to anyone who wishes to establish an institution in Scotland with legislative powers over certain areas of policy that , regrettably , it would be totally unacceptable for any Scottish Member of the House to have any say , vote or control over areas of policy in the rest of the United Kingdom ?
12 The air is thick with dust , accumulated over years of not-remembering , years of not wanting to know .
13 Outside a corner teahouse long-eared donkeys gazed mournfully through the windows at their owners chatting over breakfasts of tea and beans and tobacco .
14 We walked on , jumping over trickles of water , squelching through soggy bits , scrambling over dry stands of heather , bouncing off spongy peat , clambering around rocky outcrops .
15 I should be able to consider seriously the idea of escape , and talk over problems of disguise and frontier crossings with other people for whom the war was not yet over .
16 The time taken to complete one revolution of the Earth is decreasing over aeons of time but at the moment it is , give or take the odd second , 24 hours ; this defines the solar day .
17 Many of those trainees go to smaller firms , perhaps taking over positions of responsibility or even taking over from the owners when they die and thus continuing the industry 's good work .
18 Ministers could also face congregations split over questions of finance , doctrine or politics — the last especially after 1886 .
19 A Bishop questioned over allegations of indecency has had police bail extended .
20 While differing over details of policy , the Left-Republican parties shared a common desire to liberate the minds of Spaniards from the centuries-old chains — as they saw it — of traditionalism and religious obscurantism .
21 The Labour Party Conference : Gay rights group wins support over age of consent
22 Their wish to hand over control of parking supervision to the County so that there would be no direct line of responsibility for responding to residents ' complaints about parking abuse .
23 Serbia also took over control of radio and television centres in the capitals of Kosovo ( Pristina ) and Vojvodina ( Novi Sad ) .
24 In 1922 , when the original Stoves was still a fledgeling company , Baron Philippe de Rothschild also began to make his mark by taking over control of Château Mouton Rothschild .
25 Indeed , in the 1960s and 1970s , deliberate over issuance of Treasury bills was the way in which the Bank of England enforced Bank Rate .
26 What would he be now if he had become , say , a civil servant allotting housing finance , or a policeman , poring over bits of hair and skin and thumbball prints ?
27 Every tent and attraction seemed to be playing something different , and as they wandered round , stepping over lengths of cable , one burst of song would fade only to be instantly replaced by a snatch of something different .
28 The range , entitled All Skins , embraces over shades of foundation and four formulas , so get your skin ‘ colourprinted ’ at the counter in department stores nationwide .
29 Later , at Westerplatte , the prince handed over sets of campaign medals to the seven veterans of the British forces .
30 They were walking along a broad corridor between glass-partitioned offices , lit by bleak fluorescent strip lighting , where sallow-faced men in shirt-sleeves stared at computer terminals or pored over sheets of printout .
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