Example sentences of "hold [num] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The economic disaster that has befallen Mongolia over the past two years ( see chart ) has emboldened diehards in the Mongolian People 's Revolutionary Party ( the old communist party ) , which holds 70 of the 76 seats in parliament , to try rolling back reform .
2 Swapo holds 41 of the Assembly 's 72 seats , but observers expected its main opponent , the Democratic Turnhalle Alliance ( DTA ) which has 21 seats , to block a Swapo-drafted constitution .
3 A coalition of the Gaullist RPR and centrist UDF holds 18 of the 45 seats in the Regional Council .
4 An attractive young woman who now holds one of the top six positions in an American corporation began as assistant to the chairman and was subjected to many innuendoes about their relationship .
5 While Chancellor Kohl 's CDU-CSU alliance holds 309 of the 652 seats , far more than its closest rivals , the Social Democrats , who have 239 , it could not govern without the support of Hans Dietrich-Genscher 's FDP — which is why Genscher has managed to hold on to the post of Foreign Minister for so long .
6 The only part of the county where Labour puts up a fight is in Milton Keynes where hold eight of the sixteen seats .
7 The SDLP currently hold 17 of the 30 seats in the Guildhall chamber .
8 The laboratory holding three of the Taiwan Ten is believed to be about to acquire another 30 orang-utans , the origin of which is unknown .
9 Harry Symmonds gave evidence that the carpet bag holding one of the tiny bodies found in Clapper 's Pool was the one he had brought to Mrs Dyer 's house .
10 He was holding one of the children , who was asleep .
11 One senior representative of an existing cash & carry said that MAKRO will ‘ obviously pose a threat ’ , not only to that trade but also to supermarkets , which will be hit by trade being diverted into the MARKO ‘ discounting ’ — through holding one of the membership passports .
12 He was holding one of the machine pistols .
13 have been granted complete exemption by holding one of the following qualifications :
14 As the Autumn fox hunting season gets underway , animal rights protestors have been holding one of the biggest demonstrations seen in the region .
15 With DRT still holding two of the most important countries , the complete disintegration of Deloitte Haskins & Sells International is now assured .
16 Holders of the prefs will forego dividends in return for 13.7 per cent compound growth over the trust 's seven years , thereby allowing the managers to increase dividends to ordinary shareholders who will hold two-thirds of the capital .
17 The official results of the legislative elections held on Nov. 22 [ see pp. 39186-87 ] were announced on Dec. 5 , confirming that the New Majority-Change-90 ( NM-Cambio-90 ) coalition supporting President Alberto Keinya Fujimori would hold 44 of the 80 seats in the new Democratic Constituent Congress ( CCD ) .
18 SCOTBIS can now claim , with some authority , to hold one of the largest collections of business information in the UK .
19 Even worse , it was estimated that two of the unproductive classes , the nobility and the Church , held two-thirds of the land of Spain in entail and mortmain .
20 Official results published on March 22 after considerable delays showed that the ruling right-wing Nationalist Republican Alliance ( Arena ) remained the largest single party , with 44.3 per cent of the vote , but had won only 39 seats , losing its absolute majority in the assembly ( where it had previously held 32 of the 60 seats ) .
21 Trent held eight of the fresh thousand-dollar bills folded in the back pocket of his jeans ; the original three for the charter augmented by a further five in payment for his agreeing to the rendezvous .
22 José Antonio Ardanza ( PNV ) was once again Premier ( lendakari ) ; the PNV held eight of the 13 portfolios , EA three ( Education , Economy and Planning , and the new Justice ministry ) , and EE two ( Town Planning , Housing and Environment , and Labour and Social Security ) .
23 Egypt 's multiparty electoral system is dominated by the National Democratic Party ( NDP ) , which held 346 of the 448 elected seats in the People 's Assembly after the April 1987 elections ( see pp. 35224-25 ) .
24 Fergus had brought a leather case with him ; it held three of the silver cups and a big hip flask .
25 The PCP , which had governed the province for the past 21 years , held 58 of the 83 seats in the legislature .
26 By October 1982 , P held 8,993 of the 46,000 shares of Q in issue , and was therefore treated as entitled to 8,993/46,000 of the interest in possession in the retained part by virtue of para 24(5) , Sch 5 , FA 1975 .
27 The smallest of the four coalition parties ( the others being the National Coalition Party ( KK ) , the Social Democratic Party ( SSDP ) and the Swedish People 's Party ( SFP ) ) , the SMP , which currently held nine of the 200 seats in parliament , had had only one minister in the Cabinet — Raimo Vistbacka , the Communications Minister , who was replaced by Ilkka Kanerva , who also took responsibility for transport .
28 A new government was appointed in November 1990 in which PDG member held three-quarters of the portfolios [ not one-third as stated on p. 37841 ] and the five largest opposition parties were represented by eight ministers [ for previous full Cabinet list as of May 1990 see p. 37480 ] .
29 The Peregrine Falcon has not bred since 1957 , although the chalk cliffs once held one of the highest densities of breeding pairs in Britain .
30 although he never held one of the highest posts , being scribe of recruits and overseer of building words , his achievements were greatly appreciated and handsomely rewarded by the king .
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