Example sentences of "hold [adj] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 In particular , it is not difficult to imagine that the oral stage , with its central feature of attachment to the breast , and thereby to the person of the mother , holds rich possibilities for primitive superego-formation , especially if weaning creates a tendency to introject the lost object .
2 The Commission issues a written Statement of Objections to the parties , to which they can provide a written response , and holds oral hearings for the parties and for interested third parties .
3 The other end holds long-awaited facilities for parish meetings and social functions .
4 Cold holds few fears for them .
5 The future holds exciting opportunities for changing the management culture of local government and ensuring the survival of the services . ’
6 As teachers , the future holds many challenges for all of us .
7 Leaving aside Scafell ( surely the best mountain crag south of the border ) the wild west of Cumbria holds many surprises for those willing to try something new .
8 A room in the old station is available for meetings and classes , and the village holds many attractions for all age groups .
9 The passive smoking issue holds enormous fears for the tobacco industry .
10 ‘ When you look at our results , the deflected goals we have had against CSKA and Brugge , and the way we fought back after being two goals down to Marseille , nothing holds any fears for us . ’
11 Stephen , 17 , of Highbury Avenue , Tollesby , Middlesbrough , holds four records for the breaststroke .
12 Every year the local division ( or diocese ) of the Salvation Army holds special meetings for their young people , called Councils , like a war council , because so many of their terms are military .
13 In all this he found time to address meetings for these and many other bodies , hold weekly classes for teaching the youth of his synagogue post-biblical history and related subjects , write articles for the Jewish press ( he founded an Anglo Jewish Journal called The Jewish Times later to be absorbed into the Canadian Jewish Chronicle ) .
14 ‘ Well , apparently Horne , for example , recognised the seed cake as a death threat , but why does the crude drawing of a ship hold such terrors for him and others ? ’
15 December 1987 Hun Sen and Sihanouk hold face-to-face talks for the first time [ see pp. 35967-68 ] .
16 It was so very good to have Andrew and Irene McLellan with us throughout , and we welcomed Andrew 's idea of holding daily prayers for a hungry world ’ in the Chapel .
17 Davy and then Faraday turned out to be brilliant lecturers , holding large audiences for courses on scientific topics , each lecture being illustrated by experiments , often of a spectacular kind : Davy made a model volcano filled with potassium , and poured water into it ; and Faraday flung the fire irons and then the coal-scuttle to a large electromagnet overhead .
18 ‘ By holding open meetings for children and having the telecottage above the local store , people of all walks of life came in - small-scale entrepreneurs and their spouses , shop assistants , craftspeople and children .
19 Ways of maintaining and improving communications include : a ) establishing a management structure within the Partnership , with clear lines of communication into the schools and into employment ; b ) circulating minutes of management meetings to schools and employers so they know what is being discussed and what is being decided ; c ) bringing teachers and employers together at both Partnership and school level to plan , discuss and review the progress of the Compact ; d ) establishing School Compact Teams with regular meetings ; e ) circulating Compact documents , including such things as pupils ' Work Experience reports widely ; f ) holding Open Evenings for parents to brief them on Compact developments ; g ) producing a regular Compact Newsletter .
20 We are proposing to hold Introductory Courses for subject A & D scheduled for September .
21 He aims to hold these shares for another year .
22 Although it is true that investment business can hold many pitfalls for the unwary , I find it surprising that so many firms fail to grasp it as a significant business opportunity .
23 Also the possession of a credit card reduces or even eliminates the need to hold precautionary balances for many people .
24 Plans are well advanced to hold two-day Workshops for staff of colleges invited to progress their Pilot Proposals to Stage 2 .
25 One such file might hold demographic attributes for the individual counties of a given state ; these attributes would include total population and population broken down by age and sex while a second attribute file would store the mortality ( death ) and morbidity ( sickness ) rates for the same counties .
26 1993 could hold several acquisitions for EDS Europe , as Jacques Tordjman , president of EDS-GFI , EDS 's French subsidiary , said yesterday that EDS-GFI intends to ‘ relaunch ’ its acquisitions activity in France this year .
27 Europe should not hold any fears for the English cup-holders after only four defeats , including two on penalty strokes , in 22 matches on the Continent in recent years .
28 No that 's okay admin does n't hold any terrors for me .
29 Schools are encouraged to hold open evenings for parents , governors and industrialists and to regard a visit by a WISE bus not as an isolated incident but one which is part of a wider programme of equal opportunity activities .
30 Some areas can hold hidden dangers for dogs .
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