Example sentences of "member [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A similar paragraph was contained in the subsequent year 's report , but otherwise no information was given to council members about the deals .
2 When the union publishes a special Notice in its magazine warning members about the activities of a promoter , record company or contact agency , this not only informs members , it also puts off other unscrupulous operators .
3 The trade unions , trades councils and local Labour parties informed their members about the dangers it presented and energized their opposition — albeit in the form of peaceful protest .
4 Now 40 American dentists are suing the American Dental Association for allegedly misinforming its members about the dangers .
5 It 's a scandal , and it 's got to be stopped It 's these same senior directors of these same utility companies who are lecturing our members about the problems facing their industries .
6 I 've also ventured to draft a letter re the academic people , and would suggest you consider putting in ( University of Stirling ) and ( University of Edinburgh ) as telephone contact points , so that they can — if their peer group is interested — speak as participating members about the benefits of membership .
7 He signalled the first clear signs of disillusionment with Taylor when he revealed he was canvassing his fellow Council members about the events of the past six weeks .
8 Staggered vertical timbers were erected in the trench , probably with horizontal members between the verticals ; stakes were placed in a line down the centre between the verticals to hold the intervening panels of daubed wattles .
9 We 've got ta have a direction , and it 's not about who gets the best jobs and who gets the best power positions , it 's about dictating an agenda by the members for the members in the interests of our members , the T & g 's members and all trade unionists in this country .
10 For instance in one area recently there has been a series of protests and demonstrations regarding poor and inadequate housing conditions , the majority of the members of the committees which were responsible for organising the protests are members of the IRA .
11 The report , Cracking the Codex , found that about a quarter of the members of the committees that agree codex standards come from the industry , with only a handful of consumer groups represented .
12 They followed as far as possible in the time available , the practices and procedures of the permanent parliamentary boundary commission , indeed of the six members of the committees , five were members of the parliamentary boundary commissions and they were appointed to the committees after consultation with the opposition parties .
13 The employment of the otherwise unemployed members of the hotels and catering casual labour force is clearly precarious , but its precariousness scarcely stems from any inadequacies of employment protection legislation .
14 Several members of the Inspirals contingent are going to watch mud wrestling in some dodgy bar .
15 By lunchtime Wexford and Burden had interviewed all those members of the darts club that had been present at Jack Pertwee 's stag party with the exception of Maurice Cullam , but none of them had been able to do more than confirm that Hatton had been aggressive , vain and malicious and that he had been carrying a great deal of money .
16 Members of the estates then took a public oath that no trace of these hated documents should be preserved .
17 Callières urged that young Frenchmen , if they could not meet the cost themselves , should be able to see other countries as members of the entourages of French ambassadors or envoys " according to the practice of the Spaniards and Italians who look upon it as an honour for them to accompany the ministers of their master in these sorts of voyages " .
18 Three members of the crew — Boat Club President , Erica Othen , Tasmin Brew and cox Fiona Pleavin — were also members of the Blues Boat crew .
19 In 1982 she transferred to Company Registration , Registrars Department where she was one of the founder members of the Savers Section .
20 Members of the Instructors ' Register must ensure that their attendance is recorded on the day .
21 The staff representatives here as at other levels of the machinery must be members of the signatories to the 1956 agreement , that is NUR , ASLEF and TSSA ; union branches play no formal part in the LDCs , but in practice there are often close informal ties and overlapping membership ( Edwards and Lloyd 1981 ) .
22 Members of the Ramblers ' Association ( RA ) recently staged a symbolic trespass on Thurlstone Moor in the Peak District in a move which heralds a more militant approach to increasing access to some of Britain 's most beautiful countryside .
23 Payments to farmers and landowners to open up out-of-bounds areas were unnecessary , because many were already public rights of way , according to a survey conducted by members of the Ramblers ' Association .
24 Leading members of the Ramblers Association ( RA ) are on whistle stop tour to highlight access disputes around the country and whip up media attention before a series of protest walks on Forbidden Britain Day ( September 27 ) .
25 It is favoured by senior members of the Engineers School such as Steam Tank Commanders .
26 My right hon. Friend the Prime Minister has appointed the eight members of the schoolteachers ' review body under the chairmanship of Sir Graham Day .
27 Members of the Explosives Ordnance Department went to the 1,000-acre New Manor Farm in Winterslow , Wilts to examine the device .
28 The Black Land had never condemned men or women who loved their own kind , or those who crossed the frontiers between loving those of the same and the opposite sex ; but minorities formed fraternities , and members of the clubs would do each other good turns when they could .
29 Leading business representatives have access through many different channels being members of the Employers ' Federation , trade associations , industrial associations or public advisory bodies , not to mention regular contact through LDP research groups .
30 Now local conference usually was held as quickly as possible erm but when you went to local conference as an official , you were then faced with obviously the employer who was concerned in the case , an independent chairman of the employers , but a battery of other members of the employers ' association who were unattached to the actual claim itself .
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